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<p>Hi Alex,</p>
<p>Here the requested information:</p>
<p><font size="-1"><tt>root@spce:~# cat /etc/ngcp_version</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>root@spce:~# cat /etc/sipwise_ngcp_version</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>System installed. NGCP version mr5.5.4 on 2018-05-14
</tt><tt>System installed. NGCP version mr5.5.5 - upgraded on
2018-08-25 16:38:46</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>System installed. NGCP version mr6.5.2 - upgraded on
2018-12-23 15:17:00</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>System installed. NGCP version mr6.5.3 - upgraded on
2019-02-02 12:41:07</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>System installed. NGCP version mr6.5.4 - upgraded on
2019-05-04 12:06:42</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>root@spce:~# which ngcp-cleanup-acc</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>root@spce:~# which acc-cleanup.pl</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>root@spce:~# ls -la $(which acc-cleanup.pl)</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 307 Apr 2 00:35
</tt><tt>root@spce:~# ls -la /usr/sbin/acc-cleanup.pl</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 307 Apr 2 00:35
<p>I cannot find ngcp-cleanup-acc, I also searched in an recent ISO
image from 6.5.3. But the code called from acc-cleanup.pl is in
/usr/share/perl5/NGCP/Cleanup.pm and that contains this:</p>
<p><tt>sub init_cmds {</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> %cmds = (</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> connect => sub {</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> my ($self, $db) = @_;</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> my $host = $self->env('host');</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> my $user = $self->env('user');</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> my $pass = $self->env('pass');</tt><br>
<p>while acc-cleanup.conf cointains:</p>
<p><tt>username = dbcleaner</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</tt></p>
<p>This results in $user and $pass being empty, so that the script
only works with a database with no root password set (the default
in Sipwise)<br>
<p>Henk Plessius<br>