<html>> Hi, this is the output of git status on the /etc/ngcp-config directory<br />> <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="mailto:root@sbc2:/etc/ngcp-config#">root@sbc2:/etc/ngcp-config#</a> git status<br />> On branch master<br />> nothing to commit, working tree clean<br />> <a rel="noopener" target="_blank" href="mailto:root@sbc2:/etc/ngcp-config#">root@sbc2:/etc/ngcp-config#</a><br /><br />In such a case check if git repo contains the commit with new files (check the latest commit, it should be "Upgrade to ${UPGRADE_VERSION}").<br />If not - pls post say 3 latest commit messages in the repo.<br />If yes - try to rerun ngcp-upgrade.<br /> </html>