[Spce-user] Posible regresion on peering Outbound Rewrite Rules for Callee

Jon Bonilla jbonilla at sipwise.com
Fri Aug 5 03:53:50 EDT 2011

El Fri, 5 Aug 2011 00:30:38 +0200
Sébastien Cramatte <scramatte at gmail.com> escribió:

> Considering this peering setup
> Outbound Rewrite Rules for Callee
> ^34([1-9][0-9]+)$       \1
> ([1-9][0-9]+)$         00\1
> ...
> Seems that if you have more than one rule  no rules are applied !  Because
> with only the first rule we are able to make national call  with only the
> 2nd  we can
> make international calls.  With both  we got  403 o 603 errors !
> It would be so easy to  use only the 2nd rule but unfortunaly our sip
> peerings doesn't accept national call with international syntax like
> 0034....
> Thank you for your help

Could you please attach the kamailio-proxy log for a call?


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