[Spce-user] reminder calls

Jonathan Scott jonathan at xpressamerica.net
Fri Aug 26 12:26:42 EDT 2011

On 8/25/2011 7:31 PM, Skyler wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 17:10 -0400, Jonathan Scott wrote:
>> On 8/24/2011 4:37 PM, Skyler wrote:
>>>    If this were happening to me right now, the first thing I'd try is to
>>> uncomment those 2 lines which fixed the caller-name. run ngcpcfg apply.
>>> Then try a reminder call again to compare the ngrep's before/after.
>>>    If you have the time ;)
>>>    Skyler
>> Had a chance today to test that again.
>> Aug 25 17:05:02 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[7880]: INFO:<script>: New
>> request - M=INVITE R=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at
>> F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local
>> T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP=
>> ( ID=47c2ee2f4edcb12a10a7626332760101 at voicebox.sipwise.local
>> Aug 25 17:05:02 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[7880]: INFO:<script>: Proxy
>> authentication failed, invalid user - M=INVITE
>> R=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at
>> F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local
>> T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP=
>> ( ID=47c2ee2f4edcb12a10a7626332760101 at voicebox.sipwise.local
>> Same thing, after reverting all changes that were made to those lines in
>> proxy cfg.
>   Well that's good news ;)
> Try this...
> vi /etc/ngcp-config/templates/etc/asterisk/sip.conf.tt2
>   Add this to [sip_proxy]: port=[% kamailio.proxy.port %]
> BUT, now the caller-name shows the reminder call as FROM "asterisk",
> so..
> vi /etc/ngcp-config/templates/etc/asterisk/proxy.cfg.tt2 or
> proxy.cfg.customtt.tt2 if you are doing that
> go to line 717 (xlog("L_INFO", "Replaced reminder uri and to - M=$rm R=
> $ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$avp(s:ip):$avp(s:port) ($si:$sp) ID=$ci\n");)
> and add this below it: uac_replace_from("[% reminder.sip_fromuser %
> ]","");
> save those and ngcpcfg apply. Works for me ;)
> -Skyler
Hm. I had different results.

Something to the effect of...

Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Call to 
VoiceBox - M=INVITE R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Setting 
acc source-leg for uuid '0c759758-bb66-4299-8575-c06009b70fdf': 
'0c759758-bb66-4299-8575-c06009b70fdf|test|sip.xatel.net|sip:12073911666 at sip.xatel.net|0|cfna' 
- M=INVITE R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Setting 
acc destination-leg for uuid '0': 
'test|0|vmu12073911666||vmu12073911666|voicebox.local' - 
M=INVITE R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Relaying 
request - M=INVITE R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Use 
mediaproxy for forward direction - M=INVITE 
R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: First 
caller CLI 'reminder' found - M=INVITE 
R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Setting 
 From to 'sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local' - M=INVITE 
R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Request 
leaving server, D-URI='sip:' - M=INVITE 
R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Use 
mediaproxy for forward direction - M=INVITE 
R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: First 
caller CLI 'reminder' found - M=INVITE 
R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Setting 
 From to 'sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local' - M=INVITE 
R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22961]: INFO: <script>: Request 
leaving server, D-URI='sip:lb at;lr' - M=INVITE 
R=sip:vmu12073911666 at voicebox.local 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_to.c:737]: ERROR: parse_to : unexpected char ["] in status 
2: <<"reminder">> .
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_from.c:79]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: uac [from.c:548]: 
failed to find/parse FROM hdr
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_to.c:737]: ERROR: parse_to : unexpected char ["] in status 
2: <<"reminder">> .
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_from.c:79]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: uac [from.c:548]: 
failed to find/parse FROM hdr
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_to.c:737]: ERROR: parse_to : unexpected char ["] in status 
2: <<"reminder">> .
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_from.c:79]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: uac [from.c:548]: 
failed to find/parse FROM hdr
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22966]: INFO: <script>: New 
request - M=CANCEL R=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22970]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_to.c:737]: ERROR: parse_to : unexpected char ["] in status 
2: <<"reminder">> .
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22966]: INFO: <script>: Stop 
mediaproxy - M=CANCEL R=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at 
F=sip:reminder at voicebox.sipwise.local 
T=sip:test__AT__sip.xatel.net at IP= 
( ID=6ebe5ec528b78c692a3190bd6ad1a545 at voicebox.sipwise.local
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_to.c:737]: ERROR: parse_to : unexpected char ["] in status 
2: <<"reminder">> .
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22970]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_from.c:79]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_from.c:79]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22970]: ERROR: uac [from.c:548]: 
failed to find/parse FROM hdr
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22968]: ERROR: pv 
[pv_core.c:418]: cannot parse From header
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22970]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_to.c:737]: ERROR: parse_to : unexpected char ["] in status 
2: <<"reminder">> .
Aug 26 12:17:04 sip /usr/sbin/kamailio[22970]: ERROR: <core> 
[parser/parse_from.c:79]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header

Jonathan Scott Knox
Systems Administrator
XATel Communication
7 Green Street, Biddeford ME. 04005
(207)391.1000 (Mon - Thur, 9AM - 6PM. Friday - 9AM - 5PM.)

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