[Spce-user] Incoming Calls with SPCE 2.4 stop working ....

Sébastien Cramatte scramatte at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 11:37:26 EST 2011

We have got two rulesets !
One for local subscriber and one for peerings.

We have assigned the local ruleset to domains   and  the other to the 
sip peering.
We don't use per subscriber ruleset

We have removed customtt files

El 09/12/11 17:28, Andrew Pogrebennyk escribió:
> On 12/09/2011 04:33 PM, Sébastien Cramatte wrote:
>> We use same rules as  SP PRO 2.3 ...
> Just to make sure: have you the Rewrite Rule Sets page, found the
> rewrite rule set that should be used and that it is assigned to
> peer/dom/user as a preference? This is a new feature which is not
> available in the SP PRO 2.3. The per-peer/dom/user settings from
> versions 2.2 and 2.3 are automatically converted during the update.
> So that's what I'm thinking could be missing here..
> Also, please make sure you do not have any custom kamailio templates
> from older version instead of 2.4:
> find /etc/ngcp-config/ -name \*customtt\*

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