[Spce-user] A mandatory parameter is missing...

Sébastien Cramatte scramatte at gmail.com
Tue May 24 15:44:35 EDT 2011


As I told in a previous mail, I've just upgraded our spce 2.2rc1 to 2.2 !
Now when you try to edit a peering to add rewrite rules or preferences I
obtain  "A mandatory parameter is missing"

--- Extract of  oss.log ---

May 24 21:41:40 sipwise provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata:
get_peer_host_details called with: {#012  'parameters' => {#012    'id' =>
undef#012  },#012  'authentication' => {#012    'password' =>
'********',#012    'type' => 'admin',#012    'username' =>
'administrator'#012  }#012}
May 24 21:41:40 sipwise provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request:
calling function 'get_peer_host_details' for admin 'administrator'
May 24 21:41:40 sipwise provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::mydie:
_require_id (called from get_peer_host_details): missing parameter 'id' in
May 24 21:41:40 sipwise /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov
calling 'voip::get_peer_host_details'
May 24 21:41:40 sipwise /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov:
voip::get_peer_host_details failed: missing parameter 'id' in request


Hope that helps

Best regards
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