[Spce-user] apache2 & PHP5

Skyler skchopperguy at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 19:48:46 EDT 2011

Hi all,

 I'm trying to disable the csc and enable mycustomdir with php5 support
but can't seem to get this working. Anyone have php5 working with spce
or have ideas on why this might not be working?

Here's my setup:

php5 and all required components installed.
ngcp-www-csc removed from sites-available and sites-enabled (ngcpcfg
confirms removal)
mycustom.tt2 in sites-available and sites-enabled (ngcpcfg confirms
changed DocumentRoot in sites-available/default

I can go to *:80, redirected to *:443 no problem but index.html doesn't
load and index.php downloads instead (which means DocumentRoot is
correct as I can see the contents of index.php). php5 is loaded,
confirmed with #:a2enmod php5

my customsite.tt2 is attached. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


-------------- next part --------------

[% IF www_customsite.apache.port != 443 %]
Listen [% www_customsite.apache.port %]
[% END %]

[% IF www_customsite.apache.port != 80 && www_admin.apache.port != 80 && ossbss.apache.port != 80 %]
<VirtualHost *:80>
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}:[% www_customsite.apache.port %]/$1 [L,R]
[% END %]

<VirtualHost *:[% www_customsite.apache.port %]>
        ServerAdmin [% www_customsite.apache.serveradmin %]
        ServerName [% www_customsite.apache.servername %]
	DocumentRoot [% www_customsite.apache.docroot %]
        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile [% www_customsite.apache.sslcertfile %]
        SSLCertificateKeyFile [% www_customsite.apache.sslcertkeyfile %]

        # always keep "Location /" at the top!
        # it will be overridden by later more specific locations
        <Location />
                SetHandler mod_php5

        # requires module dumpio
        # LogLevel debug
        # DumpIOInput Off
        # DumpIOOutput Off

        LogLevel [% www_customsite.logging.apache.err.level %]
        ErrorLog syslog:[% www_customsite.logging.apache.err.facility %]
        CustomLog "|/usr/bin/logger -p [% www_customsite.logging.apache.acc.facility %].[% www_customsite.logging.apache.acc.level %] -t [% www_customsite.logging.apache.acc.identity %]" combined

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