[Spce-user] Add/remove fields from CDRs and change exporter schedule.

Joel Smith | VOZELIA joel at vozelia.com
Sun Dec 23 15:15:26 EST 2012

Hi Jon,

On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 5:21 PM, Jon Bonilla <jbonilla at sipwise.com> wrote:
> El Mon, 17 Dec 2012 12:28:06 +0100
> "Joel Smith | VOZELIA" <joel at vozelia.com> escribió:
>> Hi everybody,
>> Two little things:
>> 1) I've seen the cdr exporter runs at:
>> root at sipomv1:/etc/cron.d# cat ngcp-cdr-exporter
>> 25 * * * *   root    /usr/sbin/cdr-exporter >/dev/null
>> 55 * * * *   root    /usr/sbin/cdr-exporter >/dev/null
>> root at sipomv1:/etc/cron.d#
>> Can I change this to what ever I need?
>> For example, is there any difference in running exporter once a day?
>> or every 15 minutes?
> No problem at all. You should create a custom template for that.
>> 2) Is it possible to add/delete fields in the exported CDRs?
>> I facing some problems billing incoming "onnet" calls. We have
>> incoming calls from peer1, and we are routing those calls to peer2.
>> The info in those CDRs is different from the rest of the calls because
>> they are "onnet". Can I add for example the "Contract ID" field in the
>> CDR so I know what billing plan I have to apply to each onnet call?
>> If I haven't explained myself ok please let me know and I'll try to
>> give more details.
> Yes please, explain what's the case and the problem as we would like to know if
> there's a problem with the rating engine or the cdr creation that we need to
> fix.

For example, CDR of a normal call:

12:07:22','0.00','0.00','Free Default Zone','Free Default Zone','All
Destinations','All Destinations','911839056','0','0'

And this is a CDR of an OnNet call:


Check the following fields:

carrier_zone ("onnet")
customer_zone (empty)
carrier_destination ("platform internal")
customer_destination (empty)

Are they correct like this?

Best regards,

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