[Spce-user] "Internal error, please try again later."

Mario Contreras mario.contreras at innovasur.es
Mon Feb 20 06:33:43 EST 2012

El 20/02/2012 10:47, Daniel Tiefnig escribió:
> On 02/15/2012 07:06 PM, Mario Contreras wrote:
>> Well, a couple of hours ago everything worked fine, except that the
>> caller showed in my cell was unknown. I enabled a rewrite rule to
>> delete the international prefix and that solved it. But, a few
>> minutes later I was unable to make calls. Now, when I try to make
>> changes in the subscriber I get "Internal error, please try again
>> later.".
> Hmm, not sure how the rewrite rule change would relate to the
> subscriber, provisioning wise. What does /var/log/ngcp/oss.log say when
> you try to change the subscriber?
> br,
> daniel
> _______________________________________________
> Spce-user mailing list
> Spce-user at lists.sipwise.com
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The log is attached, and these are the lines with the error:

Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: 
Sipwise::Provisioning::Voip::_create_peer_registration: trying to 
register the subscriber at the appserver
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: 
Sipwise::Provisioning::XMLDispatcher::dispatch: dispatching xmlrpc 
appserver request to
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: 
Sipwise::Provisioning::Voip::_create_peer_registration: Failed XML-RPC 
call to appserver: [['2',0]]
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::mydie: 
_create_peer_registration (called from set_subscriber_preferences): 
failed to create SEMS peer registration entry

I hope you can help me. Thanks.
-------------- next part --------------
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] Connection to child 0 established (server myserver:443)
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] Seeding PRNG with 656 bytes of entropy
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] (70014)End of file found: SSL input filter read failed.
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] Connection closed to child 0 with standard shutdown (server
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] Connection to child 5 established (server myserver:443)
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] Seeding PRNG with 656 bytes of entropy
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] Initial (No.1) HTTPS request received for child 5 (server myserver:443)
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_by_id called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => {'subscriber_id' => '6'}}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_subscriber_by_id' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_by_id returned with: {'ac' =>
'515','account_id' => '6','admin' => '0','autoconf_displayname' => undef,'autoconf_group_id' => undef,'cc' => '34','create_timestamp' => '2012-02-20 12:11:50','domain' => 'blablabla.es','external_id' => 'tatata','modify_timestamp' => '2012-02-20 12:11:50','password' => 'tatata','sn' => '646292','subscriber_id' => '6','username' => 'tatata','uuid' => 'a8be03b0-3b3d-432f-81af-e3a587a481cc','webpassword' => 'tatata','webusername' => 'tatata'}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_preferences called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => {'domain' => 'blablabla.es','username' => 'tatata'}}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_subscriber_preferences' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_preferences returned with: {'ac' => '515','adm_ncos' => undef,'cc' => '34','cli' => '+34515646292','ncos' => undef,'rewrite_rule_set' => undef}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_preferences called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => undef}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_preferences' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_preferences returned with: [{'data_type'
=> 'string','description' => 'See "lock_voip_account_subscriber" for a list of possible values. A lock value of "none" will not be returned to the caller. Read-only setting.','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => '1','peer_pref' => '0','preference' => 'lock','read_only' => '1','type' => '0','usr_pref' => '1'},{'data_type' => 'boolean','description' => 'Specifies the operational mode of the incoming block list. If unset or set to a false value, it is a blacklist (accept all calls except from numbers listed in the block list), with a true value it is a whitelist (reject all calls
except from numbers listed in the block list).','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => '1','peer_pref' => '0','preference' => 'block_in_mode','read_only' => '0','type' => '1','usr_pref' => '1'},{'data_type' => 'string','description' => 'Contains wildcarded E.164 numbers that are (not) allowed to call the subscriber. "*", "?" and "[x-y]" with "x" and "y" representing numbers from 0 to 9 may be used as wildcards like in shell patterns.','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => '0','peer_pref' => '0','preference' => 'block_in_list','read_only' => '0','type' => '0','usr_pref' => '1'},{'data_type' => 'boolean','description' => 'Incoming anonymous calls (with calling line identification restriction) are blocked if set to true.','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => '1','peer_pref' => '0','preference' => 'block_in_clir','read_only' => '0','type' => '1','usr_pref' => '1'},{'data_type' => 'boolean','description' => 'Specifies the operational
mode of the outgoing block list. If unset or set to a false value, it is a blacklist (allow all calls except to numbers listed in the block list), with a true value it is a whitelist (deny all calls except to numbers listed in the block list).','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => <... logline truncated (13999 characters) ...> use rtp relay for this
peer/domain/user. Rtp will be relayed if other participants have always_use
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: check_cc called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => '34'}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'check_cc' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: check_cc returned with: 1
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: check_ac called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => '515'}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'check_ac' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: check_ac returned with: 1
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: set_subscriber_preferences called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => {'domain' => 'blablabla.es','preferences' => {'ac' => '515','adm_block_in_clir' => undef,'adm_block_in_mode' => undef,'adm_block_out_mode' => undef,'adm_block_out_override_pin' => undef,'adm_ncos' => undef,'always_use_rtpproxy' => undef,'block_in_clir' => undef,'block_in_mode' => undef,'block_out_mode' => undef,'block_out_override_pin' => undef,'cc' => '34','cfb' => undef,'cfna' => undef,'cft' => undef,'cfu' => undef,'cli' => 'sip:+34515646292 at blablabla.es','clir' => undef,'concurrent_max' => undef,'concurrent_max_out' => undef,'e164_to_ruri' => undef,'emerg_ac' => undef,'force_to_pstn' => undef,'ncos' => undef,'never_use_rtpproxy' => undef,'omit_outbound_displayname' => undef,'peer_auth_pass' => 'TGXsfKHx','peer_auth_realm' => 'voztele.com','peer_auth_register' => 1,'peer_auth_user' => '8780042930','rewrite_rule_set' => undef,'ringtimeout' => undef,'svc_ac' => undef,'user_cli' => undef},'username' => 'tatata'}}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'set_subscriber_preferences' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::new: Sipwise::Provisioning::XMLDispatcher object initialized
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::Voip::_create_peer_registration: trying to register the subscriber at the appserver
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::XMLDispatcher::dispatch: dispatching xmlrpc appserver request to
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::Voip::_create_peer_registration: Failed XML-RPC call to appserver: [['2',0]]
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::mydie: _create_peer_registration (called from set_subscriber_preferences): failed to create SEMS peer registration entry
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_subscriber_by_id'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_subscriber_preferences'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_preferences'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::check_cc'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::check_ac'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::set_subscriber_preferences'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov: voip::set_subscriber_preferences failed: failed to create SEMS peer registration entry
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip oss: - - [20/Feb/2012:12:16:41 +0100] "POST /subscriber/update_preferences HTTP/1.1"
302 851 "https://blablabla.es:1443/subscriber/preferences?subscriber_id=6&edit_preferences=1" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.889.0 Safari/535.4"
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] (70014)End of file found: SSL input filter read failed.
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] Connection closed to child 5 with standard shutdown (server
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] Connection to child 7 established (server myserver:443)
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] Seeding PRNG with 656 bytes of entropy
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] (70014)End of file found: SSL input filter read failed.
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] Connection closed to child 7 with standard shutdown (server
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] Connection to child 9 established (server myserver:443)
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] Seeding PRNG with 656 bytes of entropy
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] Initial (No.1) HTTPS request received for child 9 (server myserver:443)
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_by_id called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => {'subscriber_id' => '6'}}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_subscriber_by_id' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_by_id returned with: {'ac' =>
'515','account_id' => '6','admin' => '0','autoconf_displayname' => undef,'autoconf_group_id' => undef,'cc' => '34','create_timestamp' => '2012-02-20 12:11:50','domain' => 'blablabla.es','external_id' => 'tatata','modify_timestamp' => '2012-02-20 12:11:50','password' => 'tatata','sn' => '646292','subscriber_id' => '6','username' => 'tatata','uuid' => 'a8be03b0-3b3d-432f-81af-e3a587a481cc','webpassword' => 'tatata','webusername' => 'tatata'}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_preferences called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => {'domain' => 'blablabla.es','username' => 'tatata'}}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_subscriber_preferences' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_preferences returned with: {'ac' => '515','adm_ncos' => undef,'cc' => '34','cli' => '+34515646292','ncos' => undef,'rewrite_rule_set' => undef}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_voicebox_preferences called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => {'domain' => 'blablabla.es','username' => 'tatata'}}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_subscriber_voicebox_preferences' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_voicebox_preferences returned
with: {'attach' => 1,'delete' => 0,'email' => '','password' => '9358'}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_speed_dial_slots called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => {'domain'
=> 'blablabla.es','username' => 'tatata'}}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_speed_dial_slots' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_speed_dial_slots returned with: []
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_reminder called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => {'domain' => 'blablabla.es','username' => 'tatata'}}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_subscriber_reminder'
for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_subscriber_reminder returned with: {'recur' => 'never','time' => undef}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_preferences called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => undef}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_preferences' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_preferences returned with: [{'data_type'
=> 'string','description' => 'See "lock_voip_account_subscriber" for a list of possible values. A lock value of "none" will not be returned to the caller. Read-only setting.','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => '1','peer_pref' => '0','preference' => 'lock','read_only' => '1','type' => '0','usr_pref' => '1'},{'data_type' => 'boolean','description' => 'Specifies the operational mode of the incoming block list. If unset or set to a false value, it is a blacklist (accept all calls except from numbers listed in the block list), with a true value it is a whitelist (reject all calls
except from numbers listed in the block list).','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => '1','peer_pref' => '0','preference' => 'block_in_mode','read_only' => '0','type' => '1','usr_pref' => '1'},{'data_type' => 'string','description' => 'Contains wildcarded E.164 numbers that are (not) allowed to call the subscriber. "*", "?" and "[x-y]" with "x" and "y" representing numbers from 0 to 9 may be used as wildcards like in shell patterns.','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => '0','peer_pref' => '0','preference' => 'block_in_list','read_only' => '0','type' => '0','usr_pref' => '1'},{'data_type' => 'boolean','description' => 'Incoming anonymous calls (with calling line identification restriction) are blocked if set to true.','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => '1','peer_pref' => '0','preference' => 'block_in_clir','read_only' => '0','type' => '1','usr_pref' => '1'},{'data_type' => 'boolean','description' => 'Specifies the operational
mode of the outgoing block list. If unset or set to a false value, it is a blacklist (allow all calls except to numbers listed in the block list), with a true value it is a whitelist (deny all calls except to numbers listed in the block list).','dom_pref' => '0','max_occur' => <... logline truncated (13999 characters) ...> use rtp relay for this
peer/domain/user. Rtp will be relayed if other participants have always_use
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_ncos_levels called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => undef}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_ncos_levels' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_ncos_levels returned with: []
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_ncos_levels called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => undef}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_ncos_levels' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_ncos_levels returned with: []
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_rewrite_rule_sets called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => undef}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_rewrite_rule_sets' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_rewrite_rule_sets returned with: [{'description' => '','id' => '1','name' => 'prefijo'}]
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_localized_string called with: {'authentication' => {'password' => 'administrator','type' => 'admin','username' => 'administrator'},'parameters' => {'code' => 'Server.Internal','language' => 'en'}}
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::handle_request: calling function 'get_localized_string' for admin 'administrator'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip provisioning: Sipwise::Provisioning::_log_xmldata: get_localized_string returned with: 'Internal error, please try again later.'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_subscriber_by_id'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_subscriber_preferences'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_subscriber_voicebox_preferences'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_speed_dial_slots'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_subscriber_reminder'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_preferences'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'billing::get_ncos_levels'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'billing::get_ncos_levels'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_rewrite_rule_sets'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip /usr/sbin/apache2: ***Provisioning::call_prov calling 'voip::get_localized_string'
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip oss: - - [20/Feb/2012:12:16:41 +0100] "GET /subscriber/preferences?subscriber_id=6&edit_preferences=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 7059 "https://blablabla.es:1443/subscriber/preferences?subscriber_id=6&edit_preferences=1" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.889.0 Safari/535.4"
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] (70014)End of file found: SSL input filter read failed.
Feb 20 12:16:41 sip apache2: [info] [client] Connection closed to child 9 with standard shutdown (server

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