[Spce-user] sipwise as transit switch

Andrew Pogrebennyk apogrebennyk at sipwise.com
Thu Jun 21 12:28:34 EDT 2012

Hi all,
this fix is now included in template version 2.5.13 now available
through our 2.5 repo, so no more custom changes needed.

On 06/14/2012 05:42 PM, Andrew Pogrebennyk wrote:
> Skyler,
> I should add that in version 2.5 it's not enough to enable
> "force_outbound_calls_to_peer" in originating peer to enable relay, you
> also need to edit your proxy.cfg.customtt.tt2 file like this
> (add || $avp(s:callee_force_inbound_calls_to_peer) == 1 to if check):
> -	if($avp(s:from_pstn) != 1 || $var(forward) == 1 || $var(cf_loop) == 1)
> +	if($avp(s:from_pstn) != 1 || $var(forward) == 1 || $var(cf_loop) == 1
> || $avp(s:callee_force_inbound_calls_to_peer) == 1)
>  	{
>                  set_dlg_profile("type","outgoing");
>                  xlog("L_INFO", "Dialog set mark type to outgoing -
> M=$rm R=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$avp(s:ip):$avp(s:port) ($si:$sp) ID=$ci\n");
> That will make calls to be sent to a peer instead of returning 404 back.
> HTH.
> Andrew
> On 06/13/2012 01:23 PM, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) wrote:
>> Let's asume this scenario:
>> PeerA ---- SPCE ---- PeerB
>> By default, the SIp:Provider will receive a call from PeerX and lookup if
>> there's a local subscriber matching the requested number. If not, it will send
>> a 404 back.
>> "force_outbound_calls_to_peer" setting will make that any call originated in
>> that peer, domain or subscriber to be sent to PSTN (based on LCR rules) even if
>> the user is local. In this scenario, where there are no local users should do
>> the same.
>> So we need calls coming from peerA to be sent to peerB and viceversa. In this
>> case, we would need to:
>> * Enable that preference on both peers. That will make calls to be sent to a
>>   peer instead of returning 404 back.
>> * We send the calls to peers, but we need to control to which peer we send the
>>   calls so we need to create two peering groups PeerA and PeerB.
>> * Now, we need to control the call destinations based on peering rules. We can
>>   do it setting prefixxes if we have number blocks in PeerB for example or we
>>   can set the rules based on the caller instead of the callee. If Calls from
>>   PeerA have a From like "1234 at domainA.com" and calls from peerb have a From
>>   like "1234 at domainB.com" we can set peering rules like this in each peer group:
>> Peer Group PeerA:
>> Callee Prefix: Blank
>> Caller Pattern: ^.+ at domainB\.com$
>> Description: Calls From PeerB
>> Peer Group PeerB:
>> Callee Prefix: Blank
>> Caller Pattern: ^.+ at domainA\.com$
>> This way, only calls with coming From "@domainA.com" will be sent to PeerB and
>> viceversa.

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