[Spce-user] Interoperability problem with audiocodes cpe devices

Andrew Pogrebennyk apogrebennyk at sipwise.com
Tue Jun 19 06:21:46 EDT 2012

On 06/19/2012 11:57 AM, Andrew Pogrebennyk wrote:
> Vladimir,
> we've had a problem like this before when mp202 was replacing
> address in Record-Route headers (added by spce internal components) with
> its own IP address. Could you run 'ngrep-sip b' and send us the trace to
> know if that is the case? You can send it to me privately to not
> disclose any IP addresses.

A follow-up from discussion in private: this is indeed a known bug in
Audiocodes.  SPCE is routing calls via a SIP loadbalancer, a SIP proxy
and an SBC internally, and we have two record routes via which
are wrongly rewritten by the MP252 to its public IP address. An ACK
message then can't reach the UAS. In case somebody wonders there is
workaround to setup dummy network interface and change iaddress to that.

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