[Spce-user] cfu : Call forward timeout doesn't work

Andrew Pogrebennyk apogrebennyk at sipwise.com
Thu Mar 1 06:18:59 EST 2012

On 03/01/2012 11:54 AM, David wrote:
> I have tested that the inconditional forward work fine.
> The voicemail work too after fix the asterisk crash originated by the
> percona mysql, but I have realised that the CFU doesn't work, I don't
> know if there is something wrong in my configuration. The time out is 5
> seconds, and after that it just hangup without deliver the call.

we need to backport some of the fixes from trunk version to 2.4. Could
you please try to  cp /etc/ngcp-config/templates/etc/kamailio/proxy
/proxy.cfg.tt2 to
/etc/ngcp-config/templates/etc/kamailio/proxy/proxy.cfg.customtt.tt2 (if
custom tt doesn't exist yet), edit proxy.cfg.customtt.tt2, find
and replace:
-	if(is_domain_local("$rd") || $dd =~ "\.local")
+	if(is_domain_local("$rd") || $dd =~ "\.local$" || ($du == $null && $rd
=~ "\.local$"))

That should actually solve the problem if not please provide us

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