[Spce-user] Clustering

Andreas Granig agranig at sipwise.com
Fri Nov 30 15:45:05 EST 2012


On 11/30/2012 09:06 PM, Christopher Saroli wrote:
> Is there any way to setup clustering with another sipwise server to
> provide for some sort of auto failover? Any info or suggestions would be
> appreciated. thanks

Well, the PRO version :)

But seriously, there are couple of options for basic redundancy you can
do quite easily with decent sys-admin knowledge.

First, you need to keep your provisioning data redundant. Options for
that are MySQL master-master replication, MySQL NDB cluster, tungsten
replicator, and I know of people running /var/lib/mysql in a DRBD partition.

Second, you need to keep your config in sync, which can be achieved by
puppet, chef, git, or just by manually copying files.

Third, you need a cluster engine and resource manager like
corosync/pacemaker, heartbeat etc. and mechanisms to detect certain
failures above network level which trigger fail-overs (e.g. automated
SIP calls, system health checks, data integrity checks for MySQL
replication etc.), or you monitor your services externally and do a
manual fail-over.

Bonus points for keeping media running after a fail-over (e.g.
ngcp-mediaproxy-ng with HA-module available in the PRO) and ensure SIP
dialog replication for proper re-INVITE and BYE handling to prevent call
cuts and - more importantly - overbilling on BYE (e.g. sems with
HA-module available in PRO). I don't know about open-source
implementations of these two features, but many people can live with
these drawbacks (otherwise there already would be some open
implementations for that).


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