[Spce-user] Cannot Register Devices after VM setup

Rob Watson rjwatson37 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 23:30:24 EDT 2013

Downloaded and setup the VM instance using the instructions (setup on
Virtual Box)
Can log into Admin and Customer Care Portal but cannot get devices to

Times out when trying to setup via Android using CSipSimple. Using Jitsi, I
get the Certificate warning, but nothing happens following that.

Not sure where to look for debugging info or what next steps to take.
Get the same results on both the local network and from outside.

 Initially I used DHCP and then I changed to a static IP, got the same
results. Rexamined the blog entry and saw the update for eaddress x.x.x.x
but after searching the .yml file I could not find an "eaddress" to update.

Rebooted, and ran ngcpcfg apply, no errors and same results.

What should I try next, or examine for more information.

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