[Spce-user] Peering Rule

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) jbonilla at sipwise.com
Mon Feb 25 04:02:45 EST 2013

El Sat, 23 Feb 2013 20:27:02 -0600
Douglas Ugalde <dugalde300 at gmail.com> escribió:

> Hello,
> I tried to configured the (Peering Rules section) if I leave in blank the
> peering rule  I can make outbounds calls, but if  I set:
> Caller Pattern
> Callee Pattern
> Callee Prefix

Blank means: Match everything.

> as SPCE show me the calls failed, maybe someone  can give me one example
> about it.

Remember something: THe system should always work in E164 format. If you have
set up your rewrite rules, the numbers of the caller and callee should already
be in E164 format despite what the user dialed. So you need to work in E164.
That means CC + AC + SN always.

> This is my config:
> One subscriber (user1) --> ext: 5064000  domain: x.x.x.x  (In my country we
> don't use "area code") so  506 is my cc and 4000 sn,  just to clarify.
> I want  to call the extension  7XXX  using this subscriber   but  I dont
> know, what is the best syntax to do it.

I'm not sure here if you're asking about peering rules or rewrite rules. In the
peerinfg rules you only tell the system which peers it should call depending on
the destination and/or the caller number

If you want to dial a number and send a different one (reqrite), you need to
use rewrite rules.

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