[Spce-user] Multiple ATA registrations

Dave Massey dave at optionsdsl.ca
Mon Jan 7 12:26:55 EST 2013

Just to update this:.

Its sorta "solved". 

I still get a few multiple entries that are just stale ones (expiry times long past) and no entries that are valid  but kamailio is still working OK.  Unable to remove them via trash can icon.
If I do it at the database with  mysql kamailio -e "delete from location" then of course they are gone, but a current entry never shows back up unless kamailio is restarted.


On 2013-01-02, at 4:49 AM, Andrew Pogrebennyk <apogrebennyk at sipwise.com> wrote:

> Hello Dave,
> Yes, it is "solved" in the same way as Jon described.
> We will report the issue with db_check_update=1 to other kamailio
> developers.
> On 01/01/2013 07:29 PM, Dave Massey wrote:
>> This issue appears to be gone in 2.7.
>> On 2012-12-28, at 7:50 AM, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) <jbonilla at sipwise.com> wrote:
>>> El Fri, 28 Dec 2012 12:55:31 +0100
>>> "Joan Cifre (ibred)" <jcifre at ib-red.com> escribió:
>>>> Hello everybody,
>>>> I've noticed that I'm exepriencing this issue also. I've upgraded to 2.6 
>>>> a few days ago and now I have many ubscribers with multiple 
>>>> registrations, with diferent IPs. 
>>> Please, to avoid this follow the instructions in the thread and create a custom
>>> template
>>> * Create a custom template of /etc/kamailio/proxy/kamailio.cfg and comment out
>>> this line:
>>> #modparam("usrloc", "db_check_update", 1)
>>> * Remove all registrations from the database:
>>> root at spce26:~# mysql kamailio -e "delete from location"
>>> * Apply the new configuration ( or if you already did it restart the proxy with
>>> no location entries)
>>> ngcpcfg apply
>>> /etc/init.d/kamailio-proxy restart
>>> * Check that there are no registration entries in the database or the proxy mem.
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