[Spce-user] asterisk subscriber

Andrew Pogrebennyk apogrebennyk at sipwise.com
Tue Jun 4 10:57:23 EDT 2013

so I think the empry rewrite rule is your problem. Please delete it and
try again. We will review the validation for rewrite rules.

But if it still doesn't work after that please share the
kamailio-proxy.log and output of 'ngrep-sip b'.

On 06/04/2013 04:43 PM, Blagoja wrote:
> +----+------+----+----------+------------------------+-----------+------------------------+----------+-------+
> | id | dpid | pr | match_op | match_exp              | match_len |
> subst_exp              | repl_exp | attrs |
> +----+------+----+----------+------------------------+-----------+------------------------+----------+-------+
> |  2 |    4 |  1 |        1 |                        |         0
> |                        |          |       |
> |  4 |    4 |  2 |        1 | 2011                   |         0 |
> 2011                   | 5101199  |       |
> | 11 |    4 |  3 |        1 | ^(00|\+)([1-9][0-9]+)$ |         0 |
> ^(00|\+)([1-9][0-9]+)$ | \2       |       |
> +----+------+----+----------+------------------------+-----------+------------------------+----------+-------+
> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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