[Spce-user] FYI: Package update(s) in release 2.8

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) jbonilla at sipwise.com
Wed Jun 19 04:45:17 EDT 2013

El Wed, 19 Jun 2013 08:38:40 +0200
Theo <axessofficetheo at gmail.com> escribió:

> Hi
> Before I do this - what is meant by "This time you should make sure to
> update templates AND kamailio" - does this mean we should do more than just
> running the normal update procedure? If so - what exactly?

The normal update procedure should be enough.

The warning means that a new function has ben introduced in the kamailio
configuration templates. This function is only available in the newest version
of kamailio in our repos. So in case you update the templates but you keep your
old version of kamailio (manually or because you had it on hold or you're
running your own version) the new configuration files won't match and kamailio
won't start.

If you update the normal way, both kamailio and the templates would be updated
at the same time and you wouldn't notice anything.

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && \
ngcp-update-db-schema && ngcp-update-cfg-schema && \
ngcpcfg apply
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