[Spce-user] ngcpct='sip:' in Contact header

Andreas Granig agranig at sipwise.com
Wed Mar 27 12:07:11 EDT 2013


On 03/27/2013 04:55 PM, Skyler wrote:
>   I created an lo:0 with a private IP address (10.10.xxx.xxx) for lb >
> b2buas: & proxies > sip:. That may help in this case as its likely the
> which is confusing the upstream proxy.

I've heard of endpoints disliking the SIP uri with the quotes... so one 
option could be to convert the "ngcpct='sip:'" and 
base64-encode the "sip:", so it gets something like 
"ngcpct=c2lwOjEyNy4wLjAuMTo1MDgwCg==" instead.


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