[Spce-user] odd entry in Active Device Registrations

Skyler skchopperguy at gmail.com
Fri May 31 21:19:13 EDT 2013

Hi guy's,

  I've never been able to re-create this when reported in 2.6 
originally. I'm using virtualbox for testing and real-servers 
(2.6,2.7,2.8). This has come up a few times now, a long thread with Dave 
originating a while back.

  What is your current hardware config? ie: virtual, dedicated, I/O details?

  Its odd that this comes up, seemingly intermittent. There must be a 
reason for it somewhere.


On 5/31/2013 12:46 PM, Theo wrote:
> Hi,
> Because not in production as yet I hadn't given it much thought, but
> ours has done this from the beginning as well. We easily see 20 stale
> ones. Just for input purposes - it's not really an issue for us at this
> point
> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:56 PM, Dave Massey <dave at optionsdsl.ca
> <mailto:dave at optionsdsl.ca>> wrote:
>     I had a big problem with this to the point there was 30 stale entries.
>     I created a cron job customtt to delete the bad entries every 60
>     seconds from the database.
>     On 2013-05-29, at 6:19 PM, Matthew Ogden <matthew at gapp.tenacit.net
>     <mailto:matthew at gapp.tenacit.net>> wrote:
>>     I have an entry on a customer subscriber “Active Device
>>     Registrations” Tab.
>>     Its already expired, but continues to stay there. If I delete, it
>>     continues to stay there.
>>     What would be causing it not to leave my list?
>>     Regards
>>     Matthew
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