[Spce-user] Remove Billing profile from customer

Andreas Granig agranig at sipwise.com
Wed Nov 20 08:18:50 EST 2013


On 11/20/2013 02:00 PM, Martin Stix wrote:
> How can I remove a billing profile from cutomer?
> Everytime I change it it’s just being added to the list, and the others
> don’t get removed:

You can't really. If you re-assign a billing profile for a customer, the 
new profile only gets active at the time of the re-assignment.

Since the rating of the calls is decoupled from the calls itself, the 
rating engine needs to know which billing profile was active at the time 
of the call, instead of which billing profile is active now.

Otherwise, if you'd stop the rating for some days, and in the meanwhile 
change the billing profile of the customer, then start the rating again, 
the old calls would be rated with a billing profile which only got 
active days after the call happened. Same applies if you want to re-rate 
old calls, where you'd also want to use the billing profile active at 
the time of the actual call.


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