[Spce-user] mediaproxy-ng license

Andreas Granig agranig at sipwise.com
Tue Oct 29 12:43:19 EDT 2013


On 10/29/2013 04:27 PM, Neven Boric wrote:
> I can't seem to find the specific license that mediaproxy-ng uses.
> There's no license file in the git repo, nor there is any header in the
> source files. The kernel module says it uses GPL license, as it needs to
> be linked with the Linux kernel, but there seems to be no info for the
> daemon code. All I can find is a mention in sipwise web site that says
> sip:provider CE is "fully open source".

The debian/copyright file incorrectly states a commercial license, but 
it's indeed GPL3. Will be fixed.


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