[Spce-user] SPCE Handbook Rewrite Rule for Outbound Rewrite Rules for Callee

Ivan Milivojevic edesibe at gmail.com
Fri Sep 6 09:49:35 EDT 2013

Hi Flo,

You can set this rule if you want to add/remove some prefixes when your
call leaves sipwise box (e.g. adding/removing 00). In 99% cases you do not
need to set this RW for registered customers only for trunks.


On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Flo <florian at acw.at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a question relating to rewrite rules.
> In the handbook there is a special rewrite rule for the Outbound Rewrite
> Rules for Callee.
> Prefix sipsp# for all calls
> Match Pattern: ^([0-9]+)$
> Replacement Pattern: sipsp#\1
> Description: Intercept this call
> I created this rules and all my subscriber work, but not the subscribers
> for the asterisk pbx. For the pbx subscribers, I activated the checkbox for
> using e164_to_ruri.
> The DID match is not working on the pbx, because the rewrite rule adds the
> sipsp# to the number:
> from-trunk,sipsp#**43134567899998
> Catch-All DID Match - Found sipsp#43134567899998 - You probably want a DID
> for this.
> When I delete that rules, the DID show correct only the number.
> Here:
> from-trunk,43134567899998
> __FROM_DID=43134567899998
> The test E.164 Number is +43 1 3456789 and 9998 is the direct dial to the
> phone.
> What does this rewrite rule do and do I need it? How can I correct the
> rewrite rule without deleting the whole rule?
> Thank you
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