[Spce-user] Peer rules if not by prefix

Mario Contreras mario.contreras at innovasur.es
Thu Sep 19 09:50:50 EDT 2013


Ahhh ok. I didn't undestand you well then. Anyway, you could use soap 
with a script to assign the rewrite rules to the subscribers using your 
database. But if you want to make it work in real time(when call is 
proccessed) I can't see the way, sorry.

El jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013 13:49:53, Theo escribió:
> Hi Mario
> Thanks for the input. I don't think that will do the trick - I agree
> that would solve the sending it to the correct peer, but the issue is
> more having to establish which peer this needs to go to in the first
> place, which as far as I can see can only really be done by sending it
> through a database first with all the ported numbers. So it would be:
> Call to 2784xxxxxxx > If not in database, then send to peer A (as 2784
> is ordinarily peer A), but if in database, send to the peer associated
> with that number.
> As Jon (sadly :-( ) said, there is no support for this currently which
> means I will either have to sit it out and wait for it, or find
> another solution for this for the moment at least.
> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Mario Contreras
> <mario.contreras at innovasur.es <mailto:mario.contreras at innovasur.es>>
> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     Maybe, you can make a trick with rewrite rules.
>     For example, you can assign to subscribers of same provider the
>     same rewrite rule. And when the make a call rewrite rule adds 4444
>     at the beginning of the dialed number. In sip peerings you only
>     have to make a rule for these prefix, and in peering's rewrite
>     rule remove that prefix. The only problem I see is when i'ts a
>     local call. All calls are going to be routed through the peer.
>     Anyway, this can be useful to you. Maybe I'm wrong, Jon can
>     correct me if I am.
>     Cheers!
>     El miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013 17:25:58, Jon Bonilla escribió:
>         El Wed, 18 Sep 2013 12:03:39 +0200
>         Theo <axessofficetheo at gmail.com
>         <mailto:axessofficetheo at gmail.com>> escribió:
>             Hi,
>             Until recently rating and peer selection was easy. The
>             prefix determined
>             the peer and with it the cost. However, number porting has
>             changed that -
>             people now port their number (so keep it) and move to
>             another carrier.
>             Potentially we'd therefore need a database of millions of
>             numbers and based
>             on the information there apply a rate, and more
>             importantly, select the
>             peer.
>             Any ideas on this one?
>         Hi Theo. We do not have lnp support in the ngcp product at the
>         moment. It's
>         planed to offer a lnp solution with per-country interface at
>         some point in
>         2014. Can't be more specific right now.
>         Meanwhile you might need to use a class4 solution for your
>         needs. Maybe a
>         kamailio server with carrierroute module or another kind of
>         solution.
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