[Spce-user] Call fraud detection

Scott Fertig scottf at wcoil.com
Wed Apr 23 12:33:42 EDT 2014

I am wondering how the call fraud detection actually works and if I am 
actually performing the steps properly to set up this feature. When 
creating a billing plan I set the fraud limit at 300 for monthly and 
daily. For a billing fee I added one like so:

Source: .
Destination: ^011.*$
Direction: Outbound
onpeak init rate: 99
Onpeak initinterval: 60
Onpeak follow rate: 99
Onpeak follow interval: 60
Offpeak init rate: 99
Offpeak init interval: 60
Offpeak follow rate: 99
Offpeak follow interval

Once creating this and assigning it to the default billing zone I tested 
making some international calls which I expected to be notified of after 
reaching a certain amount of time. I never was notified so I'm assuming 
I have something misconfigured somewhere. Do the rates need to be 
specified as a decimal number (eg 0.99 for 99 cents) in the billing 
fees/ billing plans?

Also I attempted to manually run the jobs:



Scott C. Fertig

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