[Spce-user] Web Faxing on CE

Christopher Saroli csaroli at isysp.com
Tue Apr 29 17:39:38 EDT 2014

About a month ago this same question was asked and I believe it was Daniel from sipwise who confirmed it was for pro only.


Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S®4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Michael Molina
Date:04/29/2014 1:42 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Sipwise Forum
Subject: [Spce-user] Web Faxing on CE

According to the following:
What’s new in mr3.2.1?
The most important changes for mr3.2.1 are:

  *   NGCP-Panel
     *   Initial version of REST-API available at /api
     *   Localization/Translation for German, Italian, Spanish, Russian
     *   Graphical visualization of Call Distribution per country
     *   Webfax support  <--------------------------------------------------- It says nothing about PRO Edition only.
  *   SIP Routing Enhancements
     *   Support for parsing SS7/SIGTRAN TCAP bodies for LNP lookups via SS7
     *   Allow to set an outbound hop (e.g. an SBC) on the way to a peer
     *   Proper Contact masking for calls to WebRTC clients
     *   Configurable number of TCP children on lb
     *   Support for serial forking based on q-value
     *   Support for relaying RTP/SAVPF via CloudPBX (PRO only) <--------- PRO ONLY
     *   Enhanced park/pickup for CloudPBX (PRO only)
     *   Upgraded Kamailio version 4.1.2
  *   General System Fixes and Enhancements
     *   Speed-up of “ngcpcfg apply” execution time
     *   External-ID properly copied to CDRs
     *   Prepaid/Postpaid mode properly updated on Billing Profile Changes (PRO only) <--------PRO ONLY

the WEBFAX support is part of the CE edition. You can see the other features like prepaid/postpaid modes and CloudPBX are clearly marked to be for the PRO edition, but, if you see the Webfax feature is not marked as being on the PRO edition only. Also the folks at Sipwise would not let that feature to even show up on the customer interface if it only worked on the Pro edition. Now if you login on the old customer interface you will not see the feature but you do see it on the new customer interface. I keep trying to fax and I keep getting the error I mentioned on my previous email. The reason I am trying to understand this feature is because is not stated to be a part of the PRO edition only.

MIchael Molina
Ladera Communications.
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