[Spce-user] Fraud protection and fee accumulation not working?

Scott Fertig scottf at wcoil.com
Mon May 5 14:20:42 EDT 2014

Hi again,
seems I accidentally did not send this to the list, sorry for that.

It looks like neither were running and there was some issue starting 
rate-o-mat due to a non existent user being listed in the database.. 
Reinstalled again setup billing profiles, ensured that the 2 items 
mentioned were running and it appears to be working now.

The Last question I have is the values defined for the fraud lock 
settings such as foreign, outgoing etc, do I need to create a billing 
rule for foreign so that it knows to not allow dialing out 011? When 
fraud lock is on it appears to disable all outgoing calling rather than 
just international calls.

Thanks again!


On 05/04/2014 06:45 AM, Andreas Granig wrote:

Check if mediator and rate-o-mat are running, see /var/log/ngcp/cdr.log
for details if not.


On 05/03/2014 10:05 PM, Scott C. Fertig wrote:
I started over with a new install to see if it was anything I was doing
which was preventing the call fraud protection from working. I created
fees for the default billing profile so that if I dial anything
beginning with 1330 that it would charge some ridiculous amount. Using
this profile I assigned it to users. What table/field am I looking for
that will show me the balance? I tried making quite a few calls which
were to 1330 numbers, and checked the contract_balances table and none
of the values in that table ever moved. Do the billing fees below look

mysql> select * from billing_fees;

| id | billing_profile_id | billing_zone_id | source | destination |
direction | type | onpeak_init_rate | onpeak_init_interval |
onpeak_follow_rate | onpeak_follow_interval | offpeak_init_rate |
offpeak_init_interval | offpeak_follow_rate | offpeak_follow_interval |
use_free_time |

|  3 |                  1 |               1 | .      | ^1330.*$    |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   60
|              25.25 |                     30 |             25.25
|                    30 |               25.25 | 30 |             0 |
|  4 |                  2 |               3 | .      | ^1330.*$    |
out       | call |             0.95 |                   20
|               0.99 |                     20 |              0.95
|                    20 |                0.95 | 20 |             0 |
|  5 |                  1 |               1 | .      | ^133.*$     |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   30
|              25.25 |                     30 |             25.25
|                    30 |               25.25 | 30 |             0 |
|  6 |                  1 |               1 | .      | ^33.*$      |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   30
|              25.25 |                     30 |             25.25
|                    30 |               25.25 | 30 |             0 |
|  7 |                  1 |               2 | .      | ^1330.*$    |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   30
|              25.25 |                     30 |             25.25
|                    30 |               25.25 | 30 |             0 |
|  8 |                  1 |               2 | .      | ^133.*$     |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   30
|              25.25 |                     30 |             25.25
|                    30 |               25.25 | 30 |             0 |
|  9 |                  2 |               3 | .      | ^133.*$     |
out       | call |             0.95 |                   30
|               0.99 |                     30 |              0.99
|                    30 |                0.95 | 30 |             0 |
| 10 |                  3 |               4 | .      | ^1330.*$    |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   30
|              25.25 |                     30 |             25.25
|                    30 |               25.25 | 30 |             0 |
| 11 |                  3 |               4 | .      | ^133.*$     |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   30
|              25.25 |                     30 |             25.25
|                    30 |               25.25 | 30 |             0 |
| 12 |                  1 |               1 | .      | *.          |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   10
|              25.25 |                     20 |             25.25
|                    30 |               25.25 | 30 |             0 |
| 13 |                  2 |               3 | .      | ^1330.*$    |
out       | call |             0.99 |                   20
|               0.99 |                     20 |              0.99
|                    20 |                0.99 | 20 |             0 |
| 14 |                  3 |               4 | .      | ^1.*$       |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   20
|              25.25 |                     20 |             25.25
|                    20 |               25.25 | 20 |             0 |
| 15 |                  3 |               4 | .      | ^1330.*$    |
out       | call |            25.25 |                   30
|              25.25 |                     30 |             25.25
|                    30 |               25.25 | 30 |             0 |

contract_balances stays the same, after any call made. Not sure if this
is the correct table to look at:
mysql> select * from contract_balances;

| id | contract_id | cash_balance | cash_balance_interval |
free_time_balance | free_time_balance_interval | start |
end                 | invoice_id |

|  1 |           2 |            0 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
2014-04-30 23:59:59 |       NULL |
|  2 |           3 |            0 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
2014-04-30 23:59:59 |       NULL |
|  3 |           4 |            0 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
2014-04-30 23:59:59 |       NULL |
|  4 |           9 |            0 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
2014-04-30 23:59:59 |       NULL |
|  5 |          10 |            0 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
2014-04-30 23:59:59 |       NULL |
|  6 |          11 |            0 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
2014-04-30 23:59:59 |       NULL |
|  7 |          12 |       0.0333 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
2014-04-30 23:59:59 |       NULL |
|  8 |          13 |            0 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-04-01 00:00:00 |
2014-04-30 23:59:59 |       NULL |
|  9 |           9 |            0 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-05-01 00:00:00 |
2014-05-31 23:59:59 |       NULL |
| 10 |          11 |       0.9355 |                     0
|                 9 |                          0 | 2014-05-01 00:00:00 |
2014-05-31 23:59:59 |       NULL |
| 11 |           2 |            0 |                     0
|                 0 |                          0 | 2014-05-01 00:00:00 |
2014-05-31 23:59:59 |       NULL |
| 12 |          14 |       0.9355 |                     0
|                 1 |                          0 | 2014-05-01 00:00:00 |
2014-05-31 23:59:59 |       NULL |

Thank you,
--Scott Fertig

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