[Spce-user] OnSip Sip.Js WebRTC Libraries and SipWise

H Yavari hyavari at rocketmail.com
Sat Apr 18 01:01:01 EDT 2015

Thank you for your reply. Information that may help :
mysql> select * from peer_preferences where attribute="transport_protocol";
| id | uuid | username | domain | attribute          | type | value   | last_modified       |
| 12 | 1    | 0        |        | transport_protocol |    0 | RTP/AVP | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

RTP log level = 7,
Out put RTP log for one webrtc to legacy :
Apr 15 14:12:52 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] Received command 'offer' from
Apr 15 14:12:52 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] Creating new call
Apr 15 14:12:52 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] Replying to 'offer' from
Apr 15 14:12:52 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] Received command 'delete' from
Apr 15 14:12:52 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] Scheduling deletion of call branch 'eiP4D9QmMeEl0AuAvPrx' in 30 seconds
Apr 15 14:12:52 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] Replying to 'delete' from
Apr 15 14:13:22 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] Call branch 'eiP4D9QmMeEl0AuAvPrx' deleted, no more branches remaining
Apr 15 14:13:22 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] Final packet stats:
Apr 15 14:13:22 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] --- Tag '', created 0:30 ago, in dialogue with '(none)'
Apr 15 14:13:22 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] ------ Media #1 (audio over UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF) using unknown codec
Apr 15 14:13:22 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] --------- Port 30166 <>            [::]:0    , 0 p, 0 b, 0 e, 1429099972 last_packet
Apr 15 14:13:22 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] --------- Port 30167 <>            [::]:0     (RTCP), 0 p, 0 b, 0 e, 1429099972 last_packet
Apr 15 14:13:22 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] --- Tag 'eiP4D9QmMeEl0AuAvPrx', created 0:30 ago, in dialogue with ''
Apr 15 14:13:22 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] ------ Media #1 (audio over UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF) using unknown codec
Apr 15 14:13:22 spce rtpengine[4913]: [0771f011-e5e7-afe8-e47d-6d955798fe06] --------- Port 30186 <>, 0 p, 0 b, 0 e, 1429099972 last_packet

I use this settings for domain:Mode = Always with RTP proxy as only ICE candidate.Transport protocol = UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP
and for peer:
Mode = Always with RTP proxy as only ICE candidate.Transport protocol = RTP/AVP

Regards,H. Yavari

      From: Andrew Pogrebennyk <apogrebennyk at sipwise.com>
this works for us so you have provide some logs or do you have any idea
what exactly is not working?

For example, if i try to call from jssip to peer or legacy client, the
offer from jssip webrtc client has RTP/SAVPF:
> Apr 15 15:13:23 sp1 rtpengine[9260]: [09b5ibtgmeu8v24713iv] Dump for 'offer' from { "sdp": "v=0#015#012o=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-37.0.1 4135386994961230335 0 IN IP4 0#015#012a=sendrecv#015#012a=fingerprint:sha-256 AE:B8:19:A2:CD:A7:E6:C9:91:EA:5A:2F:AD:0B:2B:1A:E7:EF:C9:48:33:3F:3D:DC:85:2B:85:C4:A9:46:F9:8A#015#012a=group:BUNDLE sdparta_0 sdparta_1#015#012a=ice-options:trickle#015#012m=audio 9 RTP/SAVPF 109 9 0 8#015#012c=IN IP4 1 UDP 2122252543 47502 typ host#015#012a=candidate:2 1 UDP 2122055935 58678 typ host#015#012a=c ...
but the server changes it to RTP/AVP:
> Apr 15 15:13:23 sp1 rtpengine[9260]: [09b5ibtgmeu8v24713iv] Response dump for 'offer' to { "sdp": "v=0#015#012o=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-37.0.1 4135386994961230335 0 IN IP4 0#015#012m=audio 30538 RTP/AVP 109 9 0 8#015#012c=IN IP4 opus/48000/2#015#012a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000/1#015#012a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000#015#012a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000#015#012a=ssrc:4069823830 cname:{d6e19c01-43b4-4fa8-b841-7cc82c0e367d}#015#012a=sendrecv#015#012a=rtcp:30539#015#012m=video 30560 RTP/AVP 120 126 97#015#012c=IN IP4 max-fs=12288;max-fr=60#015#012a=fmtp:126 profi ...

In the parameters of the offer in /var/log/ngcp/rtp.log you will see
also the flag "transport-protocol": "RTP/AVP", which is telling
rtpengine to do that protocol change, provided that you have set the
transport_protocol preference on the asterisk peer correctly.

Try to read the log and find your configuration error and if you can't
please provide the output from:
select * from peer_preferences where attribute="transport_protocol";
/var/log/ngcp/rtp.log (with log_level=7 in
and /var/log/ngcp/kamailio-proxy.log

On 04/15/2015 06:40 AM, H Yavari wrote:
> Hi,
> I can configure RTP setting for peers but this is not work for me. For
> example I have an asterisk as a peer and I selected RTP/AVP. but SDP in
> calls from webrtc clients to peer is : UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP. So asterisk
> reject the calls.
> But about dynamically:
> why I can't make a call between sip extensions and webrtc clients that
> are registered on ngcp? I found in log that SDP for callee doesn't
> change automatically.

as i said in the previous email, if callee is on the websocket the proxy
tell rtpengine to transcode to "transport-protocol":
"UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF", even if the "transparent" is selected in the



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