[Spce-user] Billing fees and history

Christian Benke benkokakao at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 06:17:20 EST 2015


A suggestion regarding the billing_fees-tables:
It appears there are no timestamps in the billing_fees and
billing_fees_history tables. History without knowing when it happened
does not make much sense, does it?

It would be neat to have "valid_from" and "valid_until"-columns, so
you could both schedule rate-changes and you would also have a proper
history, e.g. when there are
disputes or other issues with past cdrs you could identify which rate
applies to a certain timeframe.

OT: I feel feature-requests are off-place on this list, getting lost
in the noise and all. Should I open a issue on github instead? Or is
there even an undocumented, centralized bugtracker somewhere?


Best regards,

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