[Spce-user] CDR statistics into csv format

Alex Lutay alutay at sipwise.com
Tue Jan 20 06:17:04 EST 2015

Dear Mykola,

There are a special component 'cdrexport' exist which dump cdr files 
periodically via cron (/etc/cron.d/ngcp-cdr-exporter) which has a lof ot 

Then you can download CVS files for further usage.

You can find more information here:
> https://www.sipwise.com/doc/mr3.7.1/spce/ar01s09.html#_billing_data_export

Also check [cdrexport] section in your config.yml file:
> ----
> cdrexport:
>   daily_folder: 'yes'
>   export_failed: 'no'
>   export_incoming: 'no'
>   exportpath: '/home/jail/home/cdrexport'
>   full_names: 'yes'
>   monthly_folder: 'yes'
> ----
> * cdrexport.daily_folder:: Set 'yes' if you want to create a daily folder for CDRs under the configured path.
> * cdrexport.export_failed: Export CDR for failed calls.
> * cdrexport.export_incoming: Export CDR for incoming calls.
> * cdrexport.exportpath: The path to store CDRs in .csv format.
> * cdrexport.full_names: Use full namen for CDRs instead of short ones.
> * cdrexport.monthly_folder: Set 'yes' if you want to create a monthly folder (ex. 201301 for January 2013) for CDRs under configured path.

I hope it will help you!

On 20/01/15 11:51, Mykola Zaika wrote:
> How can I export cdr statistic into csv format using web interface?
> I use query " SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/file.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY
> receive the statistic.

P.S. for sure you can do this manually via custom SQL query.

Alexander Lutay
Head of Quality Assurance
Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge

Office: +43(0)13012036
Email: alutay at sipwise.com
Website: http://www.sipwise.com

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