[Spce-user] sip:provider ce mr3.7.1 installation issue
Alex Lutay
alutay at sipwise.com
Wed Mar 4 08:33:41 EST 2015
Dear Huseyin,
One more point here, your logs contains "ERROR 403: Forbidden",
can you please check your install CD, as previous version was trying to
download key from http://deb.sipwise.com/autobuild/680FBA8A.asc while
latest install CD downloading key from proper location
The md5 checksum for latest install CD is:
> md5sum sip_provider_CE_installcd.iso
02aabda68b17967d3cdfbf402401982b sip_provider_CE_installcd.iso
Please re-download install CD if you have old one:
> http://deb.sipwise.com/spce/images/sip_provider_CE_installcd.iso
Thank you!
On 04/03/15 13:33, Alex Lutay wrote:
> Dear Huseyin,
> Can you please send me the full /root/deployment-installer-debug.log
> On 04/03/15 09:31, Huseyin Kaya wrote:
> ...
>> Error validating sipwise keyring for apt usage (expected:
>> [32a4907a7d7aabe325395ca07c531234] - got
>> [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e]) "
> That error happens due to MD5 sum mismatch for Sipwise keyring:
> http://deb.sipwise.com/spce/sipwise.gpg
>> 13:22:19 ✔ taurus:~/Downloads$ wget
>> http://deb.sipwise.com/spce/sipwise.gpg
>> --2015-03-04 13:24:27-- http://deb.sipwise.com/spce/sipwise.gpg
>> Resolving deb.sipwise.com (deb.sipwise.com)... 2a00:4600:2::c0f:fee,
>> Connecting to deb.sipwise.com
>> (deb.sipwise.com)|2a00:4600:2::c0f:fee|:80... connected.
>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>> Length: 3457 (3.4K)
>> Saving to: ‘sipwise.gpg’
>> 100%[==================================================>] 3,457
>> --.-K/s in 0s
>> 2015-03-04 13:24:27 (83.2 MB/s) - ‘sipwise.gpg’ saved [3457/3457]
>> 13:24:33 ✘ taurus:~/Downloads$ md5sum sipwise.gpg
>> 32a4907a7d7aabe325395ca07c531234 sipwise.gpg
> Can you please repeat your test or even better download
> http://deb.sipwise.com/spce/sipwise.gpg and check md5sum from your side.
> Tnx!
Alexander Lutay
Head of Quality Assurance
Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge
Office: +43(0)13012036
Email: alutay at sipwise.com
Website: http://www.sipwise.com
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