[Spce-user] SPCE responding 503 instead of 404.

Daniel Grotti dgrotti at sipwise.com
Tue May 5 04:54:41 EDT 2015

that' strange, is it because you have peer_relay enabled ?
503 is generated when there is an error loading PSTN gateways.
If you don't have peer_relay enabled, SCPE should reply 404.

Daniel Grotti
VoIP Engineer

Sipwise GmbH
Europaring F15 | 2345 Brunn am Gebirge, Austria | www.sipwise.com

On 05/05/2015 10:50 AM, Joel S. | VOZELIA wrote:
> Hi, 
> We have several numbering ranges routed to our SPCE from our carriers.
> On SPCE, we don't have *ALL* the numbers enabled, just the ones we are actually using.
> The problem is:
> If someone calls a number belongin to us, and we haven't enabled it in SPCE, the response we are giving is 503 so our carrier detects us as failed and tries our backup server.
> Shouldn't the correct response be a 404 when a number is not found instead of 503?
> Looking through the proxy config:
> if(!load_gws("1", $rU, $var(lcr_match_content)))
> {
> 		xlog("L_ERR", "Error loading PSTN gateways - R=$ru ID=$ci\n");
> 		$var(announce_handle) = "peering_unavailable";
> 		$var(announce_set) = $xavp(caller_real_prefs[0]=>sound_set);
> 		$(avp(s:announce_code)[*]) = 503;
> 		$(avp(s:announce_reason)[*]) = "PSTN Termination Currently Unavailable";
> }
> if(!next_gw())
> {
> 		xlog("L_ERR", "No PSTN gateways available - R=$ru ID=$ci\n");
> 		$var(announce_handle) = "peering_unavailable";
> 		$var(announce_set) = $xavp(caller_real_prefs[0]=>sound_set);
> 		$(avp(s:announce_code)[*]) = 503;
> 		$(avp(s:announce_reason)[*]) = "PSTN Termination Currently Unavailable";
> }
> Is it safe to change those two "503" to "404"?
> We are using SPCE mr3.4.2.
> Thanks in advanced.
> Best regards, 
> Joel.
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