[Spce-user] Exception Error on trying to add new billing fee - NGCP-Panel Incident

Irina Peshinskaya ipeshinskaya at sipwise.com
Tue Apr 12 08:07:01 EDT 2016

Dear William,

Testing a fix for the issue I have found that delete will create "ghost" 
data, that will raise again on next creation.

So, for now the most safe way is to upload billing fees as csv file(s).

You can download already existent fees as csv and you can upload some 
csv files one-by-one.
I hope it will allow you to upload your fees without significant 

Best regards,
Irina Peshinskaya

Meet us @ ANGACOM: Hall 10.1 / booth N10
Exhibition and Congress for Broadband,
Cable & Satellite: 07 – 09 June, 2016 in Cologne

On 12.04.2016 Tuesday 09:45, Irina Peshinskaya wrote:
> Dear William,
> Yes, delete and create will not break further functionality.
> Best regards,
> Irina Peshinskaya
> Meet us @ ANGACOM: Hall 10.1 / booth N10
> Exhibition and Congress for Broadband,
> Cable & Satellite: 07 – 09 June, 2016 in Cologne
> On 11.04.2016 Monday 22:09, William Hilsum wrote:
>> Hi Irina,
>> Thank you very much for your help - I have run that, and, it appears 
>> to work - I can add new fees from the website now.... Until you 
>> release that fix, should I just delete and read rather than edit?
>> William
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Irina Peshinskaya [mailto:ipeshinskaya at sipwise.com]
>> Sent: 11 April 2016 17:51
>> To: William Hilsum <William at ezpcltd.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Spce-user] Exception Error on trying to add new billing 
>> fee - NGCP-Panel Incident
>> Dear William,
>> On 11.04.2016 Monday 19:33, William Hilsum wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I tried to ran the script you gave, but, I got "No database selected".
>>> Should I be using the billing database?
>> Yes, kindly use billing.
>> Best regards,
>> Irina Peshinskaya
>> Meet us @ ANGACOM: Hall 10.1 / booth N10 Exhibition and Congress for 
>> Broadband, Cable & Satellite: 07 – 09 June, 2016 in Cologne
>>> Thanks,
>>> William
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: ipeshinskaya [mailto:ipeshinskaya at sipwise.com]
>>> Sent: 11 April 2016 16:09
>>> To: William Hilsum <William at ezpcltd.com>
>>> Subject: RE: [Spce-user] Exception Error on trying to add new billing
>>> fee - NGCP-Panel Incident
>>> Dear William,
>>> Billing fee editing using WEB UI or API  will break the data. But 
>>> they can be fixed at any time with the queries you used without any 
>>> risk.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Irina Peshinskaya
>>> Meet us @ ANGACOM: Hall 10.1 / booth N10 Exhibition and Congress for
>>> Broadband, Cable & Satellite: 07 - 09 June, 2016 in Cologne
>>> On Apr 11, 2016 3:59 PM, William Hilsum <William at ezpcltd.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Irina,
>>>> I should be the one saying thank you as I know support on the 
>>>> community edition isn't expected.
>>>> Can I please ask though, do you know exactly what caused this? I 
>>>> have to import about 1k+ fees over the next few days, and then I 
>>>> plan on exporting/bulk modifying (e.g. adding 10%) and importing it 
>>>> to another billing plan... I am keen not to break anything!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> William
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Irina Peshinskaya [mailto:ipeshinskaya at sipwise.com]
>>>> Sent: 11 April 2016 14:55
>>>> To: William Hilsum <William at ezpcltd.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Spce-user] Exception Error on trying to add new billing
>>>> fee - NGCP-Panel Incident
>>>> Dear William,
>>>> I think I have found the root reason of the issue. Data became 
>>>> broken after edit action.
>>>> We will provide the code fix today later.
>>>> Meanwhile you can fix your data with the queries:
>>>> delete from billing_fees_raw;
>>>> insert into billing_fees_raw(id, billing_profile_id, billing_zone_id,
>>>> source, destination, direction, type, onpeak_init_rate,
>>>> onpeak_init_interval, onpeak_follow_rate, onpeak_follow_interval,
>>>> offpeak_init_rate, offpeak_init_interval, offpeak_follow_rate,
>>>> offpeak_follow_interval, use_free_time) select id,
>>>> billing_profile_id, billing_zone_id, source, destination, direction,
>>>> type, onpeak_init_rate, onpeak_init_interval, onpeak_follow_rate,
>>>> onpeak_follow_interval, offpeak_init_rate, offpeak_init_interval,
>>>> offpeak_follow_rate, offpeak_follow_interval, use_free_time from
>>>> billing_fees;
>>>> Thank you a lot for the bug report!
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Irina Peshinskaya
>>>> Meet us @ ANGACOM: Hall 10.1 / booth N10 Exhibition and Congress for
>>>> Broadband, Cable & Satellite: 07 - 09 June, 2016 in Cologne
>>>> On 11.04.2016 Monday 14:52, William Hilsum wrote:
>>>>> Hi Irina,
>>>>> 1. Yep - I only ever use web.
>>>>> 2. No, I did attempt an import previously to test that 
>>>>> functionality, but, it succeded.
>>>>> 3. It wasn't the first attempt.
>>>>> So, I am sorry, I forgot about the import, but, as it succeeded, I 
>>>>> didn't think it was relevant - and still in line with the 
>>>>> procedure I outlined below.
>>>>> I will add to what I said I did before:
>>>>> 1. The system was being used like normal.
>>>>> 2. Created a new reseller, with a new blank billing plan.
>>>>>      --> At this point, I created a new customer for this 
>>>>> reseller, and everything was working fine/as expected, but, I 
>>>>> never set up billing and never looked at this.
>>>>> 3. I tried updating the billing plan a week later, but, I noticed 
>>>>> that in call history, the column that lists the zone was just 
>>>>> blank - I couldn't understand why (I have never used billing 
>>>>> before, hence previous question).
>>>>> --> One of the steps I did during the billing was to create a new 
>>>>> zone under the new billing plan, for testing it was called "USA 
>>>>> calls", and I then exported the costs and imported this to the 
>>>>> default billing plan.
>>>>> --> I could still create fees/zones without issue at this time, but,
>>>>> --> the call logs kept stating no zone. I didn't realise that this
>>>>> --> was because rate-o-mat had stopped as I had no default ./. fee
>>>>> --> on the new billing plan
>>>>> 4. rate-o-mat.log was blank. Thinking there was an error, I 
>>>>> rebooted the system.
>>>>> 5. I saw the error in rate-o-mat.log that there was a no match, 
>>>>> realising there was no default plan in place for the new reseller, 
>>>>> I created this rule and issues "service ngcp-rate-o-mat start"
>>>>> 6. It rated the last week of calls, and all appeared to be working 
>>>>> ok.
>>>>> 7. Attempted to create a new fee on any billing plan - I get the 
>>>>> error as indicated above.
>>>>> 8. I can create new billing zones fine, just not fees.
>>>>> I have all the logs and happy to send over, I only started looking 
>>>>> at billing on the 10th, so, I have the last 2 days attached. If 
>>>>> you need anything else, please just say.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Irina Peshinskaya [mailto:ipeshinskaya at sipwise.com]
>>>>> Sent: 11 April 2016 12:24
>>>>> To: William Hilsum <William at ezpcltd.com>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Spce-user] Exception Error on trying to add new
>>>>> billing fee - NGCP-Panel Incident
>>>>> Hi William,
>>>>> Could you please confirm my vision of your steps to create the 
>>>>> billing fee:
>>>>> 1. You used WEB interface and not the API.
>>>>> 2. You didn't upload billing fees, but just created billing zone 
>>>>> and after this billing fee using WEB UI for both.
>>>>> 3. You got 500 error on the first attempt to create billing fee.
>>>>> Are these correct?
>>>>> While I couldn't reproduce your issue.
>>>>> Do you have archive of your logs from the time when you tried to 
>>>>> create billing fee first time?
>>>>> Could you please send it to me?
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Irina Peshinskaya
>>>>> Meet us @ ANGACOM: Hall 10.1 / booth N10 Exhibition and Congress for
>>>>> Broadband, Cable & Satellite: 07 - 09 June, 2016 in Cologne
>>>>> On 11.04.2016 Monday 14:12, William Hilsum wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Irina,
>>>>>> I just quickly tried that, but, I am getting the same error still 
>>>>>> when I try to create a new fee.
>>>>>> I ran the first command you gave me again, as I am guessi

Meet us @ ANGACOM: Hall 10.1 / booth N10 Exhibition and Congress for
Broadband, Cable & Satellite: 07 - 09 June, 2016 in Cologne

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