[Spce-user] rewrite rules applied out of the blue (well seemingly)

Andrew Pogrebennyk apogrebennyk at sipwise.com
Thu Jan 28 06:20:36 EST 2016

Hi Barry,
are you using the trusted sources for this user by chance? Indeed, there
was an issue looking up domain for trusted subscribers in older
releases, fixed from mr3.8 onwards.


On 01/28/2016 12:16 PM, Barry Flanagan wrote:
> HI,
> I have come across this if the user is sending the INVITE To or From as
> user at ip.address rather than user at domain.com <mailto:user at domain.com>.
> NGCP then has no key to look up for the correct preferences, even though
> it knows the UUID and bills correctly. 
> Hope this helps.
> -Barry Flanagan

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