[Spce-user] virtualizing sip:provider CE

Stephen Donovan stephen at belzonicable.net
Wed May 18 14:33:25 EDT 2016

I’ve not set it up yet, I’m asking about the possibility of doing it and will it work.  I have two resource pools available:

One is two servers, each has 4x 6 core amd opteron 8643 se and 64GB RAM

The other is 4 servers, each has 2x quad core xeon E5540

Both use a shared storage system built from mainly 7200 rpm desktop drives, I’m thinking about putting together a storage array using all SSDs.

From: Spce-user [mailto:spce-user-bounces at lists.sipwise.com] On Behalf Of Marek Cervenka
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 3:19 AM
To: spce-user at lists.sipwise.com
Subject: Re: [Spce-user] virtualizing sip:provider CE

can you share info about your virtualization? versions?
can you share your test-suite ?


Dne 17.5.2016 v 16:31 Andreas Granig napsal(a):


My latest performance tests on a Dell R320 (4 cores @2.2GHz) with a pair

of PRO as only VMs on that host and 1 vCPU per host with 8GB RAM shows

that we top out at around 15 regs/sec and 10 calls/sec, with the CPU

being 100% utilized. IO is not a problem in this setup, iowait is pretty

much 0 with the disk utilization maxing out at ~50% in peaks.

The number of regs it can do without calls is somewhere around 80

regs/sec, but if you add some calls, it degrades quite quickly.

Whether or not it's still sufficient depends on your number of

subscribers you plan to put onto one VM, and their typical Expiration

time for registers. All in all it could still easily do ~10k subscribers

with a 1 hour re-registration rate, where you'd end up with ~1800

concurrent calls at 10calls/sec. Not too bad for 1 vCPU. Your mileage

might vary though.

As a comparison, on the same server in bare metal (4 cores @2.2GHz at

32GB RAM) you can do 250 regs/sec with 50 calls/sec without issues.


On 05/17/2016 01:22 PM, Alex Lutay wrote:

Dear Stephen,

This is super to hear you trust Sipwise NGCP as a basement for your own

company! In short there is no strict limitations to run on

virtual environment. While there some known minor issue there, like

sems eats ~5% CPU when doing nothing (on polling new sip packats), etc.

Sure the hardware and software you choose for virtualisation is very

important. The IO speed and latency is always a problem of any virtual

env. Also VM neighbours sitting on the same hardware can create lack of

IO in the most unexpected moment. So, be careful with sharing hardware

with other VMs. NGCP relies on IO a lot.

For the high performance and high availability we recommend you to try

our PRO solution. It guarantees 50 cps rate providing high availability

for already established calls. Feel free to contact sales at sipwise.com<mailto:sales at sipwise.com>

for more information.

In the same time please share your experience with SPCE in virtual

environment. We see the good theoretical possibilities there.

Thank you!

On 05/17/2016 05:20 AM, Stephen Donovan wrote:

I’ve been down this road before with limited success…however…I’m now in

a position where I have a lot more resources to do things right at my

disposal.  Is it still recommended that I run spce bare metal..or is

virtualization an option?  Any bottlenecks I should be looking at ?

storage latency?...what about running on an array of SSDs vs spinning

disks… my main storage system is consumer grade 7200rpm drives.  I can

put together a set of 15k rpm SAS drives or SSDs easily. My big idea is

high availability.  I have an opportunity to set up a test environment

that can easily be moved between bare metal and vm for testing.

Some (fuzzy) memories from a few years ago:

SPCE seemed to do okay running as a VM on xenserver until we reached a

certain threshold of concurrent calls, I don’t remember that number..but

it wasn’t very big.  It seemed that IO wait was climbing at times,

causing call processing issues.  The storage system in question was a

ZFS RAID Z2 array comprised of 7200rpm desktop class drives that were

not the fastest in the world by far.  It was at that time I decided to

move back to bare metal and not look back.

Now that I have my own company, I’m again looking at virtualization as

an option for high(er) availability being that a single hardware failure

will not take the infrastructure down.

What amount of concurrent calls and/or calls per second could I expect

to process given a certain amount of hardware?

The physical hosts in question will be dell R610 boxes with 2x xeon

x5550, 32GB RAM.  I plan to only run voice servers on this platform,

I’ll have another resource pool for other workloads.

Since my last experience, xenserver has been greatly improved, as I’m

experiencing running most of my other servers on it at the current time.

If it’s not a good idea, tell me so, I’ll  go another way, I’m looking

for experiences.


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Marek Cervenka

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