[Spce-user] SPCE on AWS with both internal (VPC) and external endpoints

Robert Cuaresma rcuaresma at telcon.es
Tue Sep 20 02:30:02 EDT 2016

Hi Skyler,

I have the same problem too. Do you know the solution? Please, can you tell us which will be the configuration for the custom.tt2?


Robert Cuaresma
Dpto. Ingeniería de Clientes

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De: Spce-user [mailto:spce-user-bounces at lists.sipwise.com] En nombre de Skyler
Enviado el: viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016 13:58
Para: Barry Flanagan <barry at flanagan.ie>
CC: spce-user at lists.sipwise.com
Asunto: Re: [Spce-user] SPCE on AWS with both internal (VPC) and external endpoints

Yep. I know the problem well. Solution requires a custom.tt2

If yer a SPCEpro client, then maybe that support can be more assistance. Or i could be persuaded to share/work on code if you were willing to do the same, in turn. ;)


On Sep 16, 2016 5:49 AM, "Barry Flanagan" <barry at flanagan.ie<mailto:barry at flanagan.ie>> wrote:
On 16 September 2016 at 12:40, Skyler <skchopperguy at gmail.com<mailto:skchopperguy at gmail.com>> wrote:


Ok you got me. I read the first paragraph. Usually when we say 'dev' it means "working into production" lol

No, we run SPPro in production, but use a CE for testing/dev.

VPC is a beast on its own. Sorry i gave up on it a while back. You'd thinknthey would just 'work' but i couldn't get it done. Thay was to reach a paying client even, many hours wasted for nothing.

It would all be fine apart from the inability of any hosts in the VPC from accessing the Elastic IPs assigned to it.

I got RTP working by changing the network.yml settings for eth1 to be rtp_aws and sip_aws and changing the prefs for this subscriber to set rtp_interface= 'aws' but still SPCE is sending the public IP in its Route and Contact header, so call is timing out because SPCE does not see the ACKs.



On Sep 16, 2016 5:14 AM, "Barry Flanagan" <barry at flanagan.ie<mailto:barry at flanagan.ie>> wrote:
On 16 September 2016 at 11:41, Skyler <skchopperguy at gmail.com<mailto:skchopperguy at gmail.com>> wrote:

You lost me at AWS.

Haha, yeah. I did say it is only a dev box.



On Sep 16, 2016 3:47 AM, "Barry Flanagan" <barry at flanagan.ie<mailto:barry at flanagan.ie>> wrote:

We are trying to move our SPCE dev platform to AWS. It works fine for external endpoints out of the box, using the advertised_address for the main interface.

However, we also have some other endpoints in the same VPC and I can't get SPCE to not used the advertised_ip when it is communicating with the VPC-internal endpoints - it always advertises its elastic IP.

I have created a second, eth1 interface for use with the VPC hosts, and my network.yml is as follows:

        - <My Elastic IP>
        - web_ext
        - sip_ext
        - rtp_ext
        - web_int
        - ssh_ext
        - web_ext
        - sip_ext
        - rtp_ext
        - web_int
        - ssh_ext
      - lo
      - eth0
      - eth1

SPCE is communicating with the VPC hosts over eth1 as expected, but it is advertising the Elastic IP instead of I tried adding an advertised_ip of to eth1 as well to force it, but no go.

If I were able to specify a hostname in advertised_ip I could make it work by manipulating DNS, but this does not seem to work as rtpengine complains "Invalid interface specification: ext"

Any ideas?


-Barry Flanagan

Spce-user mailing list
Spce-user at lists.sipwise.com<mailto:Spce-user at lists.sipwise.com>

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