[Spce-user] Sems Error + hangup on Reinvite + Update

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) manwe at sipdoc.net
Wed Feb 1 17:27:54 EST 2017

El Mon, 16 Jan 2017 09:10:49 +0100
"Jon Bonilla (Manwe)" <manwe at sipdoc.net> escribió:

> El Fri, 13 Jan 2017 18:53:17 -0500
> Sebastian Rojo <arpagon at gmail.com> escribió:
> > Hi Jon,
> > 
> > In your [peer/friend] definition in Asterisk, you set
> > 
> > *`sendrpid* = yes`
> > 
> > I ask because I have the same problem since the last update of mr4.5.3. In
> > some scenarios SEMS cant Proccess UPDATE
> > 
> > NOTE: In asterisk dont work fine  `rpid_update=no`
> >   
> Yes, I'm using sendrpid=yes. I need to enable sems debug to test it but cannot
> do it during work hours as my systems are in production and sems log is very
> intensive.

Hi all

I had to wait for no calls to reproduce this and get the sems log. I see that
this happens only when asterisk has sendrpid enabled and a blind transfer is
executed for an incoming call. It sends INVITE and UPDATE and this is what
triggers the issue.

I'm attaching full capture and sems log for this scenario. Extracting from it I
see this:

[#7fb0297fd700] [reply, AmBasicSipDialog.cpp:583] DEBUG:  reply: transaction

[#7fb0297fd700] [getSdpBody, AmOfferAnswer.cpp:487] DEBUG:  No SDP Answer. 

[#7fb0297fd700] [reply, AmBasicSipDialog.cpp:600] DEBUG:  onTxReply failed 

[#7fb0297fd700] [relaySip, AmB2BSession.cpp:872] ERROR:  dlg->reply() failed

Seems like it doesn't handle noSDP 200ok response to the reinvite.

Note: I could reproduce the issue in different ngcp versions.



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