[Spce-user] Billing Plan fallback on missing fee

Barry Flanagan barry at flanagan.ie
Thu Feb 2 08:48:45 EST 2017

On 2 February 2017 at 13:01, Oleg <spce at irg-x.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> Just wandering if there is a way to tell SPCE to fallback to an
> alternative billing_plan if rate-o-mat does not find a Fee in the current
> plan (on Customer's billing plan missing Fee, apply Reseller' billing plan
> fee for the given destination, if present).

No, not possible at the moment. Pity. It would be great if you could assign
a "fallthrough" rate card to a customer. So, you could have your standard
rate card as base, and then for customer A you can  have a rate card with
just a few (say UK) rates. A call from this customer would first check
their rate card and if not found, check the fallthrough one.

This would mean that instead of having to maintain full separate rate cards
for every customer where there is a slight difference, you just maintain
the standard rates and then the smaller individual rate cards per customer.

This and the lack of multiple Free Time "buckets" are my biggest gripes
with SP (I am on Pro).

We are actually investigating cgrates as an alternative rating engine (we
don't use the invoicing built in to SP)

-Barry Flanagan

> Example.
> - 'DefaultResellerBillingPlan' contains all the destinations
> - 'ClientsOfferPlan'   contains one destination Fee only (ex.: 5% discount
> calculated for fees to US '^1,on_peak_init_rate,on_peak_
> init_interval,...')
> A user with 'ClientsOfferPlan' assigned is billed through
> DefaultResekkerBillingPlan for all the destination (therein present),
> except for one Fee ('^1'), which is billed through 'ClientsOfferPlan'.
> In other words, I'd like sipwise to rate (and include in Invoice)
> 'accounting.cdr.source_reseller_cost' (if > 0) when
> accounting.cdr.source_customer_cost=0.
> Is this possible?
> Thank You
> Oleg
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