[Spce-user] Problem with billing fees

Irina Peshinskaya ipeshinskaya at sipwise.com
Fri Jan 27 02:41:08 EST 2017

Dear Sergio,

Thank you. But I see what I didn't expected - the script, where 
"fill_billing_fees" procedure defined should be created, according to 
your log.

Let me check more exactly:

mysql ngcp <<< 'select id,revision,applied_at from db_schema where 
revision like "%15176%";'

Could you please share the output of this too?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Irina Peshinskaya

On 26.01.2017 21:24, Sergio Serrano wrote:
> Previous version was 4.4.2. The ouput for the command is
> mysql ngcp <<< 'select id,revision,applied_at from db_schema order byid
> desc limit 1;'
> id      revision        applied_at
> 485     15311   2017-01-26 15:56:11
> regards,
> SergioEl jue, 26-01-2017 a las 19:38 +0200, Irina Peshinskaya escribió:
>> Dear Sergio,
>> What was previous version of your system?
>> Could you please share output of the:
>>   mysql ngcp <<< 'select id,revision,applied_at from db_schema order
>> by id desc limit 1;'
>> ?
>> Best regards,
>> Irina Peshinskaya
>> On 26.01.2017 17:43, Sergio Serrano wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> 	after we upgradeto 4.5.3 all work fine, but when I try to
>>> change billing fees system throw next error in panel.log:
>>> Jan 26 16:37:20 sipwise ngcp-panel: ERROR: IP=
>>> CALLED=Controller::Billing::fees_upload TX=149D5C64D49BB170
>>> USER=administrator DATA={ 'upload_fees' => 'billing_fees_1.txt',
>>> 'purge_existing' => '1', 'submitid' => '', 'save' => 'Upload'}
>>> MSG="Failed to upload Billing Fees ({UNKNOWN}: DBI Exception:
>>> DBD::mysql::db do failed: PROCEDURE billing.fill_billing_fees does
>>> not exist [for Statement "call billing.fill_billing_fees(?)"] at
>>> /usr/share/perl5/NGCP/Panel/Utils/Billing.pm line 268#012)" LOG=""
>>> I had downloaded actual fees, replace an try to upload. If I try to
>>> add fee manually, I obtain a
>>> Sorry!
>>> 500 Internal server error
>>> We are terribly sorry, an exceptional error has occured:
>>> incident number: 149D5CA208E6EA20
>>> time of incident: 2017-01-26T15:41:43.105940000Z
>>> Details have been logged on the server. If you want to report the
>>> error, describe what you were doing or attempting to do just
>>> before.
>>> and in panel.log I have seen
>>> Jan 26 16:41:43 sipwise ngcp-panel: ERROR: fatal error,
>>> id=149D5CA208E6EA20, timestamp=2017-01-26T15:41:43.105940000Z,
>>> error={UNKNOWN}: DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::db do failed: PROCEDURE
>>> billing.fill_billing_fees does not exist [for Statement "call
>>> billing.fill_billing_fees(?)"] at
>>> /usr/share/perl5/NGCP/Panel/Utils/Billing.pm line 268
>>> Are there any bug in reltaion with billing fees in 4.5.3?
>>> regards,
>>> Sergio
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