[Spce-user] Routing Between Peers

Alex Lutay alutay at sipwise.com
Thu Jun 29 07:22:43 EDT 2017


I believe you are looking for:

> https://www.sipwise.org/doc/mr5.3.1/spce/ar01s11.html#_interface_parameters

> advertised_ip: the IP address that is used in SIP messages when the NGCP system is behind NAT/SBC. An example of such a deployment is Amazon AMI, where the server doesn’t have a public IP, so load-balancer component of NGCP needs to know what his public domain is (→ advertised_ip). 

On 06/29/2017 04:39 AM, Matt Schwinn wrote:
> I was incorrect... it worked!  Now... I'm sure there is a setting for
> having Sipwise behind nat?  My remote site can't seem to get ack from
> RTP handshake.

Alex Lutay

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