[Spce-user] New sip:provider CE mr3.8.10 is now available

Alex Lutay alutay at sipwise.com
Tue May 2 04:26:40 EDT 2017

Hi Walter,

Here are small set of bugfixes only for LTS release mr3.8.

The full changelog is here:
> https://www.sipwise.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Changelog_mr3.8.10-2017-04-27T07_35_51.pdf
it is a list specified in release notes:
> https://www.sipwise.org/news/announcements/sipprovider-mr3-8-10-released/

Can you please point me which hyperlink doesn't work for you.
Thank you!

On 04/29/2017 05:16 AM, Walter Klomp wrote:
> Hi Alex, what's new in this?  The hyperlink doesn't work. 

Alex Lutay

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