[Spce-user] loose-routing

Daniel Grotti dgrotti at sipwise.com
Mon Nov 6 06:06:37 EST 2017

Or better to send me the entire pcap (you can use my email if you don't 
want to share data).

Daniel Grotti
Head of Customer Support
Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge

Office: +43(0)130120332
Email: dgrotti at sipwise.com
Website: https://www.sipwise.com

On 11/06/2017 12:05 PM, Daniel Grotti wrote:
> Please show me the INIVTE from (lb) to 
> (proxy).
> Thanks
> -- 
> Daniel Grotti
> Head of Customer Support
> Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
> AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge
> Office: +43(0)130120332
> Email:dgrotti at sipwise.com
> Website:https://www.sipwise.com
> On 11/06/2017 11:56 AM, stefanormc wrote:
>> Great tool!
>> *     Call flow for 4ae7566c-c8ab-4b29-9950-d6829953f085 (Color by 
>> Request/Response)*
>> │*INVITE**sip:centrale03.avanzati.it 
>> <http://centrale03.avanzati.it>*SIP/2.0
>> <>* 
>> <>** 
>> <>** <>* 
>> │Via:SIP/2.0/UDP 
>> ──────────┬───────────────────┬───────────────────┬───────────────────┬─────────│0f185f8
>> │ *  INVITE (SDP) *││││From:<sip:0119084086 at c.voceblu.it 
>> <mailto:sip%3A0119084086 at c.voceblu.it>>;tag=d8629edc-773b-4100-97b6-27d2dcc4e417
>> *11:44:32.102554*   │ 
>> *──────────────────────────>*││││To:<sip:3482209875 at c.voceblu.it 
>> <mailto:sip%3A3482209875 at c.voceblu.it>>
>> +0.000462  │││ INVITE (SDP) 
>> ││Contact:<sip:0119084086 at 
>> <http://sip:0119084086@>>
>> 11:44:32.103016   │││ 
>> ──────────────────────────>││Call-ID:*4ae7566c-c8ab-4b29-9950-d6829953f085*
>> +0.000214  │││       100 Trying ││CSeq:20617 INVITE
>> 11:44:32.103230   │││ <──────────────────────────││Allow:OPTIONS, 
>> +0.000176  │││ 403 Initial Loose-Routing ││ISTER, REFER, MESSAGE
>> 11:44:32.103406   │││ <──────────────────────────││Supported:100rel, 
>> timer, replaces, norefersub
>> +0.000194  │       100 Trying ││││Session-Expires:1800
>> 11:44:32.103600   │ <──────────────────────────││││Min-SE:90
>> +0.000060  │ 403 Initial Loose-Routing 
>> ││││P-Asserted-Identity:<sip:112 at galilei.local>
>> 11:44:32.103660   │ 
>> <──────────────────────────││││P-Preferred-Identity:<sip:112 at galilei.local>
>> +0.010267  │           ACK ││││Route:<sip:3482209875 at c.voceblu.it 
>> <mailto:sip%3A3482209875 at c.voceblu.it>>
>> 11:44:32.113927   │ ──────────────────────────>││││Max-Forwards:70
>> +0.000254  │││           ACK ││User-Agent:Gigaset T440/T640
>> 11:44:32.114181   │││ 
>> ──────────────────────────>││Content-Type:application/sdp
>> │││││Content-Length:  239
>> │││││
>> │││││v=0
>> │││││o=- 370697073 370697073 IN IP4
>> │││││s=Asterisk
>> │││││c=IN IP4
>> │││││t=0 0
>> │││││m=audio 12360 RTP/AVP 0 101
>> │││││a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
>> │││││a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
>> │││││a=fmtp:101 0-16
>> │││││a=ptime:20
>> │││││a=maxptime:150
>> │││││a=sendrecv
>> │││││
>> │││││
>> │││││
>> can it be the p-asserted-identity the problem? I see is the PBX 
>> endpoint instead of the sipwise account
>> Il giorno 6 novembre 2017 @ 11:34:13, Daniel Grotti 
>> (dgrotti at sipwise.com <mailto:dgrotti at sipwise.com>) ha scritto:
>>> mmm...so the problem could be in the $du variable.
>>> Since loose_route() return TRUE, it means that the INVITE contains a 
>>> Route header.
>>> Can you take a trace of such call (with sngrep for example) and 
>>> paste here the INVITE you receive from this UA ?
>>> --
>>> Daniel Grotti
>>> Head of Customer Support
>>> Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
>>> AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge
>>> Office: +43(0)130120332
>>> Email:dgrotti at sipwise.com
>>> Website:https://www.sipwise.com
>>> On 11/06/2017 11:24 AM, stefanormc wrote:
>>>> MariaDB [ngcp]> select * from kamailio.domain;
>>>> +----+----------------------------+---------------------+------+
>>>> | id | domain             | last_modified       | did  |
>>>> +----+----------------------------+---------------------+------+
>>>> |  1 | voip.sipwise.local         | 1900-01-01 00:00:01 | NULL |
>>>> |  2 | sipd.bandablu.com <http://sipd.bandablu.com>         | 
>>>> 1900-01-01 00:00:01 | NULL |
>>>> |  3 | d.voceblu.it <http://d.voceblu.it>           | 1900-01-01 
>>>> 00:00:01 | NULL |
>>>> |  5 | c.voceblu.it <http://c.voceblu.it>           | 1900-01-01 
>>>> 00:00:01 | NULL |
>>>> |  8 | netgen.voceblu.it <http://netgen.voceblu.it>         | 
>>>> 1900-01-01 00:00:01 | NULL |
>>>> | 11 | res.voceblu.it <http://res.voceblu.it>           | 
>>>> 1900-01-01 00:00:01 | NULL |
>>>> | 12 | via-bolletta.telefonica.it 
>>>> <http://via-bolletta.telefonica.it> | 1900-01-01 00:00:01 | NULL |
>>>> | 13 | centrale03.avanzati.it <http://centrale03.avanzati.it>     | 
>>>> 1900-01-01 00:00:01 | NULL |
>>>> +----+----------------------------+---------------------+------+
>>>> *8 rows in set (0.02 sec)*
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> centrale03:~# ngcp-kamctl proxy fifo domain_dump
>>>> domain:: sipd.bandablu.com <http://sipd.bandablu.com>
>>>> did:: sipd.bandablu.com <http://sipd.bandablu.com>
>>>> domain:: voip.sipwise.local
>>>> did:: voip.sipwise.local
>>>> domain:: via-bolletta.telefonica.it <http://via-bolletta.telefonica.it>
>>>> did:: via-bolletta.telefonica.it <http://via-bolletta.telefonica.it>
>>>> domain:: centrale03.avanzati.it <http://centrale03.avanzati.it>
>>>> did:: centrale03.avanzati.it <http://centrale03.avanzati.it>
>>>> domain:: res.voceblu.it <http://res.voceblu.it>
>>>> did:: res.voceblu.it <http://res.voceblu.it>
>>>> domain:: d.voceblu.it <http://d.voceblu.it>
>>>> did:: d.voceblu.it <http://d.voceblu.it>
>>>> domain:: c.voceblu.it <http://c.voceblu.it>
>>>> did:: c.voceblu.it <http://c.voceblu.it>
>>>> domain:: netgen.voceblu.it <http://netgen.voceblu.it>
>>>> did:: netgen.voceblu.it <http://netgen.voceblu.it>
>>>> Il giorno 6 novembre 2017 @ 11:18:40, Daniel Grotti 
>>>> (dgrotti at sipwise.com <mailto:dgrotti at sipwise.com>) ha scritto:
>>>>> select * from kamailio.domain;
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