[Spce-user] Backup... Second try

Daniel Grotti dgrotti at sipwise.com
Thu Nov 30 05:29:35 EST 2017

Hi Jon,
that's the reason.
In future we will let you able to understand what section is Commercial 
only and what not.


Daniel Grotti
Head of Customer Support
Sipwise GmbH, Campus 21/Europaring F15
AT-2345 Brunn am Gebirge

Office: +43(0)130120332
Email: dgrotti at sipwise.com
Website: https://www.sipwise.com

On 11/30/2017 10:59 AM, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) wrote:
> El Thu, 30 Nov 2017 10:43:43 +0100
> Daniel Grotti <dgrotti at sipwise.com> escribió:
>> Starting from mr5.0 you will see backuptool section in your config.yml,
>> this is on purpose and correct, since we are aligning configuration
>> between PRO an CE. But if you change something there, nothing will
>> happen, since there is no package installed.
> What's the point of having yml sections in CE that won't work? I understand
> that it's easier for developers but unless you create a pro.yml of something
> you'll only confuse CE users who will configure disabled sections without
> notice.
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