[Spce-user] Panel error while uploading fees

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) manwe at sipdoc.net
Wed Oct 18 05:52:23 EDT 2017

Hi all

Running a 4.5.4 versions I get this error while uploading a fee csv:

ngcp-panel: ERROR: IP=XXX.XX.XX.X CALLED=Controller::Billing::fees_upload
TX=14EE9FAF0F649CC0 USER=aaa DATA={ 'submitid' => '', 'save' => 'Upload',
'upload_fees' => 'sss.csv'} MSG="Failed to upload Billing Fees
({UNKNOWN}: DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::db do failed: PROCEDURE
billing.fill_billing_fees does not exist [for Statement "call
billing.fill_billing_fees(?)"] at /usr/share/perl5/NGCP/Panel/Utils/Billing.pm
line 268#012)" LOG=""

I patched this installation to use a external db but I don't think it should
break this. Is this error familiar to anyone?



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