[Spce-user] Issue with external to external transfer SIPWise 4.5.6

Andrew Pogrebennyk apogrebennyk at sipwise.com
Fri Feb 2 04:03:50 EST 2018

On 02/01/2018 07:00 PM, Robert Cuaresma wrote:
> I have made some tests and if I configure Subscriber with RTP Proxy
> defined to "Never", the call no hangup after 60 seconds and works
> fine, but the RTP Flow goes always from customer PBX  directly to VoIP
> Service Provider. What would be the cause of this issue?
> I apreciate so much your help!

The problem is, as you wrote, the re-INVTIE without SDP.
Release mr4.5 does not support late OAM in the re-INVITE out of the box.
This has been fixed for all call scenarios in mr5.x.
As a workaround for mr4.5, you can try to create proxy.cfg.customtt.tt2
 by copying /etc/ngcp-config/templates/etc/kamailio/proxy/proxy.cfg.tt2
(if you don't have one yet), open proxy.cfg.customtt.tt2 in editor, find
the block onreply_route[REPLY_ROUTE_NAT]
and add the following lines after force_rport():

    # we do not have cluster set id after re-INVITE if we have 200/ACK
    if(sdp_content() && !isbflagset(FLB_RTPPROXY_LOOKUP))
               $(avp(s:lbrtp_dispatcher_id_caller)[*]) = [%
cluster_sets.${cluster_sets.default_set}.dispatcher_id %];
               xlog("L_INFO", "Recovered rtpengine caller did
'$avp(s:lbrtp_dispatcher_id_caller)' from default value - [% logres -%]\n");
              $(avp(s:lbrtp_dispatcher_id_callee)[*]) = [%
cluster_sets.${cluster_sets.default_set}.dispatcher_id %];
              xlog("L_INFO", "Recovered rtpengine callee did
'$avp(s:lbrtp_dispatcher_id_callee)' from default value - [% logres -%]\n");

This would be a workaround for version mr4.5.x till you upgrade to
mr5.5.x LTS. But when upgrading there you should remove the customtt
file when asked.

Regards, Andrew

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