[Spce-user] Fraud calculation takes hours

Alejandro Grijalba agrijalba at innovasur.es
Thu Jan 25 10:16:02 EST 2018

Hi, this is the command and the output (i cannot understand it much):

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT bpinfo.id, bpinfo.reseller_id, bpinfo.interval, 
bpinfo.type,        IF (bpinfo.fraud_use_reseller_rates > 0, 
SUM(cdr.source_reseller_cost), SUM(cdr.source_customer_cost)) as 
interval_cost, bpinfo.interval_limit,        
bpinfo.interval_lock,        bpinf o.interval_notify,        
bpinfo.fraud_use_reseller_rates as use_reseller_rates FROM (   SELECT 
c.id, n.reseller_id, bp.fraud_use_reseller_rates, i.interval,     IF 
(i.interval = 'month',         IF (cfp.fraud_interval_limit > 0, 
'account_limit', 'profile_limit'),         IF (cfp.fraud_daily_limit > 
0,             'a ccount_limit', 'profile_limit')        ) AS type,     
IF (i.interval = 'month',         IF (cfp.fraud_interval_limit > 0, 
cfp.fraud_interval_limit, bp.fraud_interval_limit),         IF 
(cfp.fraud_daily_limit > 0,             cfp.fraud_daily_limit, 
bp.fraud_daily_limit)        ) AS interval_limit,     IF (i.interval =  
'month',         IF (cfp.fraud_interval_limit > 0,             
cfp.fraud_interval_lock, bp.fraud_interval_lock),         IF 
(cfp.fraud_daily_limit > 0,             cfp.fraud_daily_lock, 
bp.fraud_daily_lock)        ) AS interval_lock,     IF (i.interval = 
'month',         IF (cfp.fraud_interval_limit > 0,             
cfp.fraud_i nterval_notify, bp.fraud_interval_notify),         IF 
(cfp.fraud_daily_limit > 0,             cfp.fraud_daily_notify, 
bp.fraud_daily_notify)        ) AS interval_notify   FROM (SELECT 
IF('day' = 'month','month','day') AS 'interval') i, billing.contracts 
c   INNER JOIN (        SELECT bm1.contract_id,MAX(bm1.id) AS id
    FROM billing.billing_mappings bm1        INNER JOIN (               
SELECT bm2.contract_id, MAX(bm2.start_date) AS start_date               
FROM billing.billing_mappings bm2               WHERE (bm2.end_date >= 
NOW() OR bm2.end_date IS NULL)                      AND (bm2.start_date 
<= NOW() OR bm2.start_date IS NULL)
       GROUP BY bm2.contract_id        ) AS max ON bm1.contract_id = 
max.contract_id AND bm1.start_date <=> max.start_date        GROUP BY 
bm1.contract_id   ) AS bm_actual ON bm_actual.contract_id = c.id   JOIN 
billing.billing_mappings bm ON bm.id = bm_actual.id   JOIN 
billing.billing_profiles bp ON bp.id = bm.billing_profile_id
   JOIN billing.contacts n ON n.id = c.contact_id   JOIN 
billing.resellers r ON r.id = n.reseller_id   LEFT JOIN 
billing.contract_fraud_preferences cfp ON cfp.contract_id = c.id WHERE 
c.status = 'active'   HAVING interval_limit > 0 ) AS bpinfo JOIN 
accounting.cdr ON cdr.source_account_id = bpinfo.id WHERE CASE WHEN 
bpinfo.inter val = 'month'   THEN cdr.start_time     BETWEEN 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-01 00:00:00'))         AND 
00:00:00'))-1   ELSE cdr.start_time     BETWEEN 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'))         AND 
INTERVAL 1 DAY, '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'))-1   END GROUP BY bpinfo.id HAVING 
interval_cost >= interval_limit;
| id | select_type | table      | type   | 
possible_keys                              | key               | key_len 
| ref                           | rows | Extra                           |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | <derived2> | ALL    | 
NULL                                       | NULL              | NULL    
| NULL                          | 6580 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | PRIMARY     | cdr        | ref    | 
said_stime_idx                             | said_stime_idx    | 4       
| bpinfo.id                     |  154 | Using where                     |
|  2 | DERIVED     | <derived3> | system | 
NULL                                       | NULL              | NULL    
| NULL                          |    1 |                                 |
|  2 | DERIVED     | r          | index  | 
PRIMARY                                    | contractid_idx    | 4       
| NULL                          |    1 | Using index                     |
|  2 | DERIVED     | n          | ref    | 
PRIMARY,ct_resellerid_ref                  | ct_resellerid_ref | 5       
| billing.r.id                  |    2 | Using where; Using index        |
|  2 | DERIVED     | <derived4> | ALL    | 
NULL                                       | NULL              | NULL    
| NULL                          | 6620 | Using join buffer               |
|  2 | DERIVED     | c          | eq_ref | 
PRIMARY,contactid_idx                      | PRIMARY           | 4       
| bm_actual.contract_id         |    1 | Using where                     |
|  2 | DERIVED     | cfp        | eq_ref | 
contract_id                                | contract_id       | 4       
| bm_actual.contract_id         |    1 |                                 |
|  2 | DERIVED     | bm         | eq_ref | 
PRIMARY,profileid_idx                      | PRIMARY           | 4       
| bm_actual.id                  |    1 |                                 |
|  2 | DERIVED     | bp         | eq_ref | 
PRIMARY                                    | PRIMARY           | 4       
| billing.bm.billing_profile_id |    1 |                                 |
|  4 | DERIVED     | <derived5> | ALL    | 
NULL                                       | NULL              | NULL    
| NULL                          | 6620 | Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  4 | DERIVED     | bm1        | ref    | 
contractid_idx,billing_mappings_start_date | contractid_idx    | 4       
| max.contract_id               |    1 | Using where                     |
|  5 | DERIVED     | bm2        | index  | 
billing_mappings_start_date                | contractid_idx    | 4       
| NULL                          | 7277 | Using where                     |
|  3 | DERIVED     | NULL       | NULL   | 
NULL                                       | NULL              | NULL    
| NULL                          | NULL | No tables used                  |
14 rows in set (0.13 sec)

I leave a copy here if you can't see it right:

Thanks in advance

El 25/01/2018 a las 15:07, Alex Lutay escribió:
> Hi,
> Before studying it further, can you please share EXPLAIN for the query
> you have shared (just re-execute the SELECT query adding EXPLAIN in
> front of the query).
> Tnx!
> On 01/25/2018 03:04 PM, Alejandro Grijalba wrote:
> ...
>> I have read that fraud calculation queries were already optimized in
>> previous release, so what is wrong?
> ...

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