[Spce-user] Problem with Peering Registration

EMMANUEL AFANG afang.emmanuel at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 09:22:27 EST 2018

(got a response from your server that I am not a member but posting to
members, so I registered and re-posted)
I use the free edition of 3CX and I am able to do Registrations with a
Peering Partner with the following settings (changed):
*IN 3CX This Works:*

Registrar/Server/Gateway Hostname or IP   ==   sytypeer.com   (port 5096)
Outbound Proxy                                            ==
 (port 5096)
Type of Authentication                                  ==   Register
Authentication ID (aka SIP User ID)             ==   11111uuuuu22222
Authentication Password                              ==   11111ppppp22222

To configure the equivalence of this on sipwise, I did this:
*IN SIPWISE CE GUI Peering Servers:*

IP Address   ==  (port 5096)
Probing      ==  (checked the box)

*IN **SIPWISE CE **GUI Peering Server Preferences:*

peer_auth_user      ==  11111uuuuu22222
peer_auth_pass      ==  11111ppppp22222
peer_auth_realm     ==  sytypeer.com
peer_auth_register  ==  (checked the box)

CE /etc/ngcp-config/templates/etc/ngcp-sems/etc/reg_agent.conf.tt2*

(the description says: 'Only set "domain", "user" and "pwd", and leave
"proxy" and "contact" EXACTLY')

With the above SIPWISE settings, I still am not able to REGISTER with
partner. In fact, SIPWISE is NOT sending REGISTRATIONS. The callflow is
like this:
sipwise sends INVITE ---->>  Provider
sipwise receives 100 Trying <<-----  Provider
sipwise receives 403 Forbidden <<-----  Provider
sipwise sends ACK ---->>  Provider

What I am thinking is whether sipwise was expecting to get a *407 Proxy
Authentication Required* before it performs the REGISTRATION, if so, how do
I make sipwise REGISTER with peer partner like 3CX does?

Best Regards

*Emmanuel Afang *

Mobile +2347084280332
Email:  *a <cuzomba at dial-mobile.com>fang.emmanuel at gmail.com
<fang.emmanuel at gmail.com>*

Skype: *a <cuzomba at dial-mobile.com>fang.emmanuel*

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 3:11 PM EMMANUEL AFANG <afang.emmanuel at gmail.com>

> Hi
> I use the free edition of 3CX and I am able to do Registrations with a
> Peering Partner with the following settings (changed):
> *IN 3CX This Works:*
> Registrar/Server/Gateway Hostname or IP   ==   sytypeer.com   (port 5096)
> Outbound Proxy                                            ==
>    (port 5096)
> Type of Authentication                                  ==   Register
> Authentication ID (aka SIP User ID)             ==   11111uuuuu22222
> Authentication Password                              ==   11111ppppp22222
> To configure the equivalence of this on sipwise, I did this:
> *IN SIPWISE CE GUI Peering Servers:*
> IP Address   ==  (port 5096)
> Probing      ==  (checked the box)
> *IN **SIPWISE CE **GUI Peering Server Preferences:*
> peer_auth_user      ==  11111uuuuu22222
> peer_auth_pass      ==  11111ppppp22222
> peer_auth_realm     ==  sytypeer.com
> peer_auth_register  ==  (checked the box)
> CE /etc/ngcp-config/templates/etc/ngcp-sems/etc/reg_agent.conf.tt2*
> domain=sytypeer.com
> user=11111uuuuu22222
> pwd=11111ppppp22222
> (the description says: 'Only set "domain", "user" and "pwd", and leave
> "proxy" and "contact" EXACTLY')
> With the above SIPWISE settings, I still am not able to REGISTER with
> partner. In fact, SIPWISE is NOT sending REGISTRATIONS. The callflow is
> like this:
> sipwise sends INVITE ---->>  Provider
> sipwise receives 100 Trying <<-----  Provider
> sipwise receives 403 Forbidden <<-----  Provider
> sipwise sends ACK ---->>  Provider
> What I am thinking is whether sipwise was expecting to get a *407 Proxy
> Authentication Required* before it performs the REGISTRATION, if so, how
> do I make sipwise REGISTER with peer partner like 3CX does?
> Best Regards
> *Emmanuel Afang *
> Mobile +2347084280332
> Email:  *a <cuzomba at dial-mobile.com>fang.emmanuel at gmail.com
> <fang.emmanuel at gmail.com>*
> Skype: *a <cuzomba at dial-mobile.com>fang.emmanuel*
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