[Spce-user] Error while upgrading 5.5.6 to 6.5.2

Rene Krenn rkrenn at sipwise.com
Mon Nov 26 23:34:40 EST 2018

Clear the intermediate fee csv uplaod table by


truncate billing.billing_fees_raw;


then re-run missing cmds from 15424.up, ie.


alter table billing_fees_raw

  drop index profsrcdesdirtype_idx,

  add column match_mode enum('regex_longest_pattern', 'regex_longest_match',
'prefix', 'exact_destination') not null default 'regex_longest_pattern', 

  add unique key bfr_srcdestdir_idx (billing_profile_id, type, match_mode,
direction, source, destination),

  add key bfr_destsrcdir_idx (billing_profile_id, type, match_mode,
destination, source, direction);


finally, register 15424.up in the db-schema table, then the
"update_db_schema" script should be able to skip/continue.


Von: Spce-user [mailto:spce-user-bounces at lists.sipwise.com] Im Auftrag von
Greg Chlopowiec
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. November 2018 05:00
An: spce-user at lists.sipwise.com
Betreff: [Spce-user] Error while upgrading 5.5.6 to 6.5.2



Upgrading Sipwise version 5.5.6 to 6.5.2 but I'm getting following error:


Applying revision script /usr/share/ngcp-db-schema/db_scripts/diff/15422.up:

Applying revision script /usr/share/ngcp-db-schema/db_scripts/diff/15424.up:
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 16: Duplicate entry '10----.-^212612000000.+$'
for key 'bfr_srcdestdir_idx'

failed. :(

Please resolve the problem and run ngcp-update-db-schema again.

ERROR: the step '2.8/ngcp_update_db_schema' failed, upgrade aborted!


Need help in resolving this issue. Thank you in advance for all your help.


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