[Spce-user] SSL

Robert Johnson robert.j at bendtel.com
Thu Oct 4 14:34:06 EDT 2018

This was one of the very first things I looked into a couple of month 
ago when we began looking at the community edition and the set up was 
pretty straight forward with let's encrypt.

The first thing I did was use certbot to get a let's encrypt certificate 
for the box: https://certbot.eff.org/

Then, it's a matter of following the instructions on the Platform 
Security - SSL Certificates page: 

On 10/04/2018 11:21 AM, Tom Foley wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I ham an amateur enthusiast, don't confuse me for being a pro! I have 
> tinkered about with Sipwise over the past few years, on and off, as I 
> find it fascinating.  Thanks to all that it is there.
> The one thing that stumps me, is getting a Secure Cert operable. None 
> of the off the shelf cert providers seem to understand Sipwise. I 
> don't know a .pem from a CA, nor a .crt from a .key.
> I do know it's all fine in run of the mill other webservers. Just 
> follow what you're told to do. But not so in Sipwise.
> My question is, might there be a tutorial somewhere that post 
> ngrp-install takes you to cert installation? Cos a clean install and 
> an immediate cert-install fails consistently. And this is a barrier 
> I'd like to move on from.
> Thanks,
> Tom Foley
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