[Spce-user] Permanent registrations using TCP

Daniel Grotti dgrotti at sipwise.com
Wed Feb 13 06:05:48 EST 2019

the protocol is defined in the extra_socket ifself.
When you add the extra socket in config.yml, you will define the 
protocol as well:

       upd_sock: udp:
       tcp_sock: tcp:

And then in the permanent registration you can choose between udp_sock 
or tcp_sock, or tls.

Daniel Grotti

Head of Customer Support                               Sipwise GmbH
e: dgrotti at sipwise.com                               Europaring F15
t: +43(0)130120332                          A-2345 Brunn Am Gebirge
w: www.sipwise.com          FN: 305595f      FG: LG Wiener Neustadt

On 2/13/19 12:00 PM, Jon Bonilla (Manwe) wrote:
> El Mon, 11 Feb 2019 13:21:29 +0100
> Daniel Grotti <dgrotti at sipwise.com> escribió:
>> Hi Jon,
>> what version are you using?
>> In mr6.5 you should have the chance to select the outbound_socket for
>> permanent registrations.
> Hi Daniel
> Didn't notice. I'm using 5.5.x as stable release while 6.5.x is in my lab
> setups fixing some issues.
> Nice to see the socket selection in the permanent registrations. This helps a
> lot with some scenarios!!!
> Any hints about how to add protocol selection too? I want to be able to deal
> with some UDP fragmentation scenarios on no-registration subscribers.
> cheers,
> Jon

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